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Tuesday, Jun. 12, 2012 @ 7:14 P.M.

I do not care about you...

I do not feel good. Pretty sure it is the horrible weather that keeps getting flip-flopping between hot and cold worse than R-Money during this election year. Meh... I have a headache and my stummy is upset. I do not believe that I hunger, but I should eat something. I already have lost about ten pounds since all this moving and such started about a month ago and I am sure it is because I have totally lost my appetite due to stress and lack of sleep. The sneezing does not help either. I feel so icky...

We still have not finished unpacking. I finally got the movies, games, and TV series put away in the living room, but I still have to hook up the rest of the consoles and figure out what to hang on the walls for decorations. I think maybe rotating some of my favourite movie posters out will work. The anime bookcase will, of course, have a bunch of the anime figurines and statues on it. I may actually not have enough room for all of the collections. One corner of the living room will have to be for my pirate stuff or I may have to maim someone. I have to put it all somewhere and I do not think that the storage room will be good enough. In any case, the siding guys will be here this week so I have to move some stuff around so they do not damage any of it. 'Cuz that is what I really care about, our stuff...

We have no money. Most of my credit cards are almost maxed out with all the house repairs and 'improvements' that the hubby felt we could not wait on. We had not planned on having to fix the electrical stuff so soon, but it had to be done with all the electronics we have and the new washer and dryer needed MORE POWER! So, $3,000 here and there and now we are beyond poor. So much debt! The American dream, right?! Gah. We have to borrow from the hubby's family for a bit. Then, he has to take a loan against his 401k. Smart, right? I do not think so either but it has to be done...

Sometimes I wonder what other people are doing. I have not hung out with anyone in so long, but I feel like I could not handle having to be social. I just do not feel up to it. I cannot be cheerful around people and any sort of drama just pisses me off since I feel like my problems outweigh anybody else's. I do not want to hear about what is wrong with anyone else at all. I just skip a lot of most of my friend's FB posts since they seem to do nothing but complain or fish for compliments or whine about their terrible circumstances which in all honesty are not bad in the long run. Maybe my sociopathic nature is finally emerging...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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