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Thursday, Apr. 19, 2012 @ 7:05 P.M.

So Stupid...

I have no idea why I enjoy EpicMealTime on YouTube. They really do cook some interesting things with lots and lots and lots and lots of bacon 'cuz e'rythang is better with bacon, son!! They be crazy Canadian boyz. I usually end up either really hungry or really sickened. I cannot believe how much food they eat, but eat it they do! Anyways, I thought I would continue to have a headache as I watched them, but they are so hilariously terrible that I could not help but to laugh at their antics. I wonder what did happen with MuscleGlasses.

So, as stated on my livejournal a few days ago, our appraisal went through. We have to wait for the loan to go through, though and there are more hoops to go through, again and it is quite frustrating and stupid as I have said before in previous entries, but there ya go. I still do not understand why the loan people need info on stuff that happened nearly three months ago when they are supposed to be only concerned with things that occurred in the past thirty days. Unfortunately, one of the things we need to prove is something from my parents and they hate giving out their private information so the paper given to the loan people was declined as proof and so now the hubby has to take time off work tomorrow to drive to the 'rent's, visit the bank with my father, drop the car off at my work, and then catch the bus to somehow get to his work. As I said, stupid.

So much stress for the upcoming month. Lease is over on May 14th so I have to start super packing and figuring out what I will be getting from the 'rent's house. The other thing is that the whole electrical replacement thing could run over freakin' $10,000!! I mean, what the heck?! Why cannot we use the loan money to help pay for upgrades to the house, huh? Huh?! I hate having to worry about money! Stupid cutting hours at work, stupid gas prices going up, stupid everything that has to be so bloody expensive!!

Yeah, I need everyone that owes me money to pay me back the collective $5,000 that has built up over the years. :: Making grabby motions :: I need it to pay the hospital, credit card, and repair bills that I have and will have... yes, right now.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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