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Friday, Oct. 09, 2009 @ 4:43 P.M.

TMI and surgical incisions...

Ugh... I kinda feel like crap... stupid allergies and why does it have to be so cold in here?!
Okay, took the time to take a shower and I feel all kinds of better. I got the smell of bacon and floor wax outta my nose, at least...
So, what has been going on you ask? Lots of things, I say.
I finally went to the doctor to ask if they could start me on some birth control, 'cuz all the cool kids seem to be doing that kind of thing... it clears up acne and keeps you from having babies, but so does NOT HAVING SEX so yeah, it will nice if my face clears up a bit and my periods actually come on a regular basis. I hate when it comes unexpectedly and I have to buy new underwear... I'm sorry, is this too much information for you?
In any case, instead of just hearing the regular stuff like, "You need to exercise more 'cuz you're 300 pounds overweight and just about to get diabetes" I was told that I had a rather large growth in my uterus area that could be considered worrisome 'cuz it might, but most likely isn't, cancer. Jeez, really? I fail to go to a doctor for over ten years and this is what the consequences are? Thank you. I needed that, especially since I was just about to go on vacation with my HTB and visit his mother in Illinois. Lovely...
Yeah, since I wasn't allowed to do anything strenuous I was kinda worried that I wouldn't be able to go on the trip, but we weren't going to do roller coasters like we originally planned (Six Flags was shut down or something) the doc said it would be okay. The roads in the Chicago area were so bad, though, it was almost like being on a bumpy ride. So fun! Seriously, the trip was great. You can see some pics of it at my FB. Check it out HERE. Ryu-kun's mom was such a lovely woman. She wanted to buy me shoes! That's just awesome... :: Laughs ::
Okay, so I come back from vacation and find out that the Photo Lab exploded and I should never leave the machines alone again! Nah, the Frontier was down for nearly three days and when I came back on Monday, it was still down. I come in, fix it and at the moment it is running awesomely. My machine loves me and gets mad at me when I go away for more than two days... kinda like my cats. They were so happy to see us come back. I missed them like mad.
Anyways, I come back to work intending to only tell my store manager the situation, only to find out my manager (a female) was in an accident and I have to tell the assistants (all of who are male) that I have to have surgery. Now everyone in the store knows I'm having surgery... yay. Not that I care that much... I wasn't too specific about what I was having it for, but this is the thing... I may lose an ovary depending on how bad my ovarian cyst is. When I had my first ultrasound it was 14cm and extended way up into my tummy area. My doctor yesterday checked me out and said it shrunk so she shuffled me over to take another ultrasound and found out it shrunk down to about 11cm. Still big, but now I may not have to have the large vertical cut across my belly. A smaller bikini incision would be better in the long run. If I ever get preggers, the bikini cut would be give me a better chance not to have a C-section... at least that's what Big A says. Man, is she about to pop!!
So yeah, having surgery on the morning of Columbus Day... good times...

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Listen Here! HTB watching Nadesico... never seen it...

Give Me A Break! The pain is starting to concern me...

Piccy of the week: Scattie is starting to look a lot more like herself!


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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