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Monday, Oct. 04, 2004 @ 1:42 P.M.

Woe of money...

Erm... it seems that I have not been paying much attention to the computer this weekend. You know why? :: Pauses and waits for an answer ::
Of course you don't! Well, I'll tell you why... It's 'cuz I got meself DDR Extreme! That's right, another DDR game came out without any of us roommates knowing about it! I was shocked and instantly wanted it. Unfortunately, I am still out of the job thingy and left it sitting on the shelf after hugging it to my chest and crying. :: Laughs :: Nah, just kidding! It was fine, really. I figured that we had two of the other DDR games and Konamix to deal with, we can wait. My bro on the other hand had other ideas. He brought me with him to Best Buy on Friday to buy hisself two dancepads. The cool thing is, that the pads came with copies of the game! So, I put the stuff on my Best Buy card and he handed me over $100.00. Basically, I got the game for twenty bucks! All right! I have to remember to put the money in my books so I don't spend it all right away. I also have to remember to put the money some people owe me into my savings account. It's getting mighty low there and I am starting to get worried.
I should start to sell some things on eBay, maybe. I have tons of posters and other movie memorabellia that I collected over the years. Hey, working at a movie theatre for seven years will do that... but, it is hard for me to part with anything, 'cuz I'm a major packrat! Maybe, that is why I am usually reluctant to buy anything for myself... usually... Somebody has been a bad influence on me. I grow attached to things 'cuz they have memories. Like all my cat stuff for instance... I remember who gave me every single one.
I honestly don't know what happened. I never used to be obsessed with any one thing. That is why my collection of stuff is to varied, but small. I mean, my Star Trek collection is my biggest collection, followed by my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles one, but my Dragonball Z (mostly Vegeta) one is growing quickly. Then, there's all my other Sci-fi stuff: Red Dwarf and Star Wars, mostly. I also have a dragon collection. :: Sigh :: My movie stuff, which I already mentioned... oh, and lets not forget my vast amounts of anime and manga stuff. That stuff I completely blame Mi-chan for.
I loved anime before, but I never bought anything for it 'cuz I thought all of it was completely expensive! Since it became a fad in America, though, I have really started to freak out on purchasing stuff from my favourite animes. :: Dies ::
I need to stop for a while. I have to try and have some restraint. If I don't, I won't have any money left except for what people owe me... and lemme tell ya, if I have to collect, I collect with interest. It's in at least two of their contracts. And I keep track. I have to. When people owe me hundreds of dollars, you think I don't? They should be glad that I only keep track of the big stuff. When I was younger, I used to write everything that people owed me down. I was a really stingy kid. Hey, when you don't get allowance, you get really appreciative of what you do get. In any case, as soon as I got a job, I loosened up a bit, but people saw that I never had a problem with money, so they asked to borrow from me. A few bucks here and there, no prob. Some people, though... :: Shakes head :: I had to lend them a few hundred dollars to at least two separate guys. I hope to never see one of them again, but never collected from those two. I call it 'leave me alone money' for one and the other is 'I helped you out in hard times, but one day I want my money, bi-otch!' money.
Dang, it was a lot of money. All in all, people owe me over $10,000! Holy crap, is that where the bulk of my earnings have gone? Loans to other people?! :: Tilts head :: I guess I have been generous...

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Listen Here! A computer... yup.

Give Me A Break! :: Smiles sweetly :: I'm fine, really! Just need a job...

Piccy of the week: B-kun is so funny!


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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