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Monday, Sept. 27, 2004 @ 9:52 P.M.

Another long weekend...

This was another long weekend. We had Ramen's twenty-first birfday party at our place. Cops were called... but I'll explain that later.
It was fun. Most of the same people that came to Shanny's party two weeks ago. Two additions were Momo and Bakudan. Apparently Momo was able to get Saturday off and we convinced him that missing one day of church would not make him a bad Godfather. :: Shakes head :: He has interesting ideas on what he thinks will damn him, I guess.
The party on Saturday, like I said was fun. We had P-chan make hamburgers and bacon. The problem was that she had me finish cooking the bacon. I almost killed Ramen when I set off the smoke alarms... :: Sweatdrops :: Hey, I am teh suck in the kitchen, all right?! Anyways, no one died so it was fine. I like my bacon crispy anyways.
We watched more Invader Zim, then tried to figure out what to do after that. We talked about the fanfic and Gaia and then Bakudan had to go. Oh at one point, we opened pressies and sang happy birfday to Ramen and Shanny since we forgot to do that when it was her birfday the other time. Jeez, I'm tired... :: Yawn ::
Okay, so about the copper that came and knocked on our door... he said a sound complaint was called in and he was driving trying to find the source and heard Ramen exclaiming about flags or something. I guess we have to make sure to not show Ramen flags after 10PM next time.
So, when Bakudan left, we went over to P-chan's house and watched Slayers. After that, we got slurpies and watched more Slayers, I think. Then we drank a bit and watched Full Metal Alchemist. That anime is very sad. It's really good.
On Sunday, we did computer geek stuff and when Ramen and Shanny had to go home, Noke called me and asked if I wanted to go to Belle' Square. She came and picked us all up... us being, me and Mi-chan and Neko. We travelled around the mall peeked in some stores, ooooed and ahhed in the Apple store and found a Suncoast to shop in. I was bad. Then she took us to Chinatown and we shopped at the big Asian store there. I was bad again. Meaning, I spent money that I found in some of my books. I shouldn't do that. That book money is for emergencies. Heh...
So, now I am tired. Also, I haven't heard from B-kun in a while. I hope he's okay... Also, also, I still have no job. Just a letter saying they got my application. I am so tired and I don't know why.

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Listen Here! Adult Swim is very weird sometimes...

Give Me A Break! Why does money make the world go 'round?

Piccy of the week: The man, B-kun... I miss him.


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Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
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Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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