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Monday, May. 03, 2004 @ 11:22 A.M.

More on the Con... and car...

Mew! I am so tired, but I slept for over nine hours. It just does not seem normal to be up at this time. It's weird, my sleep schedule is completely screwed up.

Okay, on to what happened at the con... um... stuff. :: Sweatdrops ::

I remember the rave. There were lots of lights and lasers and wierd dancing. I contributed by not taking any of the dancing seriously at all. It was fun!

Um... Saturday there was more stuff. We found the Merchant rooms and saw so much stuff we wanted to buy, but I didn't have the cash. I missed buying a Kyo plushie. :: Cries :: I really wanted one, too!! We went to the Artist's alley kinda late, but I was able to get a Kyo drawing. Lovely, lovely Kyo... There was the Cosplay contest. There were some great and funny skits. There was also a performance by Asian'sync. They were awesome dancers. The best one was the one dressed like Jing. Mi-chan and Neko girl were really impressed by him. :: Giggles :: They thought he was the hottest guy. :: Laughs :: And I was able to embarrass all of 'em! There was one point after the cosplay contest that we were waiting for the elevator and Mi-chan was talking about him, when he randomly showed up. Neko and Mi-chan suddenly got very quiet and I was just looking at them all and Mi-chan looked like she was gonna jump the guy so I blurted out, "No glomping!" The elevator came and we all got on. The Jing stayed behind looking very embarrassed. It was great! Then we went to the Hiro concert. She is so wonderful! I loved her singing and she even danced. This was her first performance in North America and it was free, at least for us. I felt very privilaged to have been there for it. She even did a version of Fly Me To the Moon. It was awesome! Then she came out and did an encore in a Mariner's jersey-t with Ichiro's name on the back. So cute!

Okay, now that Saturday is done to the best of my ability, I will tell ya that I got a new car! After seven years of my cute little Neon, I have a brand new Elantra. It's such a sweet ride! It's safe and midnight blue and will have a CD player in it later this week! The guy who sold it to me was pretty informative and I got a kick-ass deal. 10 year warrenty and free oil changes for life! They said that since we're the type to keep our cars for a long time, it was a good idea.

Now, the cat is crazy. I will continue with what happened on Sunday another day.

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Listen Here! Tech TV is so cool.

Give Me A Break! Sydney keeps licking my compy! Bad kitty!!

Piccy of the week: Whee!! I got a new pin of him and Tasuki! Happiness!!


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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