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Friday, Apr. 30, 2004 @ 4:56 P.M.

Still Sakura Con 2004, Friday...

The continuation... is very blurry right now, I mean, c'mon! It was a week ago. I can barely remember what happened five minutes ago, much less a week ago.

So, I remember driving to Seatac. It wasn't that hard really. Traffic was not too bad and I had directions. I mean, I had been there before... sort of last year when I drove. It was just coming from Seattle instead of Issaquah. Somehow I made it to the correct street and we drove down it, trying to find the hotel. Of course, I miss it by a mile... literally. I went driving down the road until we hit the residential area. I turn around and there's our hotel! Smack dab in the middle of the other hotels... it should have had a bigger sign or something. So we park and start to leave when a hotel person comes out and tells us we can't just park there. I say that we were staying in the hotel later and she says that we have to check in. Yay! We checked in early, found new parking nearer to our room and I can't remember if we unloaded our stuff or just left. I can't remember! Sufficed to say, we made it to the opening ceremonies. We stood in line for quite a while and they started a bit late, but we made it! It was like they were running on my time table or something.

Um... what else? Someone took our pictures that day! I was Tomoyo from Cardcaptors Sakura, Mi-chan was "The Paper" from Read or Die, Momo-kun was Roger from the Big O, and Neko Girl was Yaone from Saiyuki. It was fun!

I have to go take a shower now. The way this is going, I should be able to tell ya what happened within a week.

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Listen Here! The air filter is loud...

Give Me A Break! This cough is starting to annoy me!

Piccy of the week: Chichiri is a dancin' fool!


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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