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Sunday, May. 09, 2004 @ 11:58 A.M.

Ooooo... muchly of randomness...

Happy Mother's Day!

Ack! I never did finish up about the Con did I? By this point I'm sure you're like, "Con, what con?" :: Sigh :: I know, I know... But in all honesty time really means nothing to me. My memories are really a bunch of jumbles at this point. Some things I remember very well (taking the picture of Jing on that last day, 'cuz some people were afraid to) and some things I don't. Um... I distinctly remember seeing a Yugi cos-player. I don't remember if I got a picture of them or not, but I do remember seeing one. The only problem is, if someone tells me different, I question it in my brain. Did I really see one or did I imagine it? But why would I imagine something like that? I believe that it is because I do have some sort of double personality thing going on where I will talk to myself in different voices, especially when I see myself in the mirror. Don't ask me why, I just do and have done since I was young. I always did love different types of accents. Keeping them straight and accurate is the hard part. I tend to blend my Cockney and Aussy accents together because I like the verbage that they use. It's fun! So, when people tell me something different than what I know, I question myself and my knowledge. It's because I am easily deluded and a bit of a twit who believes nearly everything told to her. :: Shrug :: Oh, well, if people like me because of how honest I am and they cannot be the same, then screw 'em. I get duped by customers all the time. I hate not giving people the benefit of the doubt and yet I will make an honest comment 'bout how I feel they are actually thinking and say something like, "Look at him, he's thinking so-and-so." And they get this surprised look on their face like I caught 'em out. Weird.

Oh! I was telling you about the con... um... I didn't buy my sword. I had intended to buy a samurai sword this year, but on that last day, I didn't have the cash and they didn't take cards!! I was disappointed. I had found one that was awesome. It was a sword with a black handle and guard with a silver dragon on it. It was such a beautiful thing and it was only $75! I so wanted it... but alas, the ATMs were on the fritz and I only had $40 dollars on me. Poop. It would have been a great addition to the Asian dining room we've got going in our apartment. That reminds me, our apartment is a mess. Our neighbors are moving out. And Momo-kun's birthday is on the twelfth (doesn't that spelling look weird, but it's correct) of this month. He's celebrating on Saturday the fifteenth, though. I still don't know what to get him for his birthday. Bah!

Ah, and I passed my level one booth certification test all the way! I had to do the lockout/tagout part again and had to go over a few parts identification, but I did great! :: Dances :: So, now I have to get my level two certification done. :: Dies ::

I got very little sleep and Brentle gave me a can of Whoop-Ass to drink on top of the caramel frappy that Dieterage bought me. Needless to say, I need to de-tox badly. My body feels lathargic and tingly. Yet, I feel like doing some uber-cleaning. That always seems to be the way when I am in the apartment alone. I don't know why. I think perhaps it's because I don't want people to see me working. I tend to work harder when people aren't watching me and judging me. When there are others around not working I either get mad at them (employees) or am as lazy as they are (roommies... Pfft!). So, hardly anything gets done at the apartment. No wonder it's a mess... :: Sigh ::

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Phantom of the Opera... I finally got the CD!

Give Me A Break! Poop... I need to clean my room, too!

Piccy of the week: I haven't change my pic in a long time... ^_^;


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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