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Sunday, Feb. 01, 2004 @ 4:24 P.M.

Stupid employees!!!

Okay, just to warn you, this is a disappointed rant about my employees. If you don't want to read about me going off on 'em... skip this entry.

:: Rant Mode On ::

I did the employee schedule and the manager schedule, just using people whose availability said they could work Sunday. These are people who said they are able to work on that day... they said they could. They didn't ask for the day off. Is it my fault that they forgot that it was SBS and they were scheduled? No. But what do they do? One of my only managers who can work that day calls in sick. She better have a freakin' doctor's note 'cuz I'm gonna counsel her ass into the ground. She is in serious danger of being demoted... at least in my eyes. I cannot believe her gall! She is fully aware of how understaffed we are on Sundays. To pull such a idiotic thing when we have a new GM. She is starting to disappoint me... starting to make me regret that I said she would make a good manager. I just can't believe her. ::Shakes head:: I hope that G-chan can handle the Sunday crowd as well as Momo-kun could when he only had three employees in the whole building. Speaking of employees...

I get a call around noon that three of the employees called in sick. What the freakin' heck?! If you wanted to get drunk, don't do it the night before you go to work. Or if you wanted to see the dang Stupor Bowl, ask for the day off so that I can schedule the remaining employees that can work in a helpful way. Gosh darn it! Do they really think that they can get away with that? No way, I'm gonna put them on top of my shit list. I make sure that the remaining days that they work will be cold and full of work that they're not used to. Like the grease trap... oh yeah. I already changed the schedule to accomodate three other employees and they are already on my shit list... schedule-wise. Those people are getting their hours cut. Mwah-ha-ha-ha!!!

:: Rant Mode Off ::

Well, maybe it will be slow and the CPC will be good today.

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Listen Here! The Angel theme song is really great.

Give Me A Break! The employees are starting to really piss me off...

Piccy of the week: Still the same...


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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