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Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 @ 4:36 A.M.

Race doesn't matter if you're in the wrong...

I was accused of being racist today. Isn't that funny? No, it's not... I didn't think so. I was also told by the employees that I was bad-ass. I believe it was a compliment and I'll take it as such. Okay, so there was this guy in the theatre. Mind you, it was him and two young girls, one of which he claimed to be his daughter, and just the the three of them in the theatre. It smelled like cigarette smoke... not just the lingering on the clothes smell, like fresh smoke. He was the only adult in there... so I asked him if he was smoking. He held up his hands and asked me if it looked like he was smoking. I told him that he was the only person in there who could be and said that he would have to leave if I found out that he was. I then told the ushers to keep an eye on him to make sure he didn't smoke again. Apparently, two of them took it upon themselves to clean up after the sucker and found a can of beer in a paper bag near the seat he had been sitting in earlier. He had moved up a row to be closer to his daughter, I suppose. Then he came out and wanted to speak to a manager. He was perfectly calm, but I could tell he was feeling put out by something so I put on my Asian face. Y'know... pretty neutral. I then heard him tell me that the employees were "sneaking around" and "spying on him" and he was asking questions like, "Would the white patrons be treated in the same way?" I told him, "Yes, if we thought they were smoking." Well, hell... what was I supposed to say? No... I'm just picking on you because... yeah, like I give a crap what color you are... you're not allowed to smoke in the theatre, ass. Then, he mentioned something about letting employee's kids into R-rated movies without them. I was like, what are you talking about? Then he was like, "Well, are there different rules for different people?" Bastard, he was trying to make it out like we don't follow our own rules and so we should bend them for him or something. Yeah, right. What the hell? Besides, why did he have to play the race card in the first place? I was feeling bad for him until he did. At first I thought that I was in the wrong, until he said that AND I could smell the beer on his breath. Then, I got really cold and he said something that made me raise my eyebrow... he said if were anybody different, he would have had to kick someone's ass. What the fraggin' hell? Then he backpedalled and said that he wasn't threatening me... oh no... don't misunderstand... he would never threaten anyone. But I didn't feel threatened at all, just a bit angry that he would even mention "anybody different". Right. So... if I was white, would he have kicked my ass? Nice, real nice.

In any case, I can't stand people like that. I just wish that they wouldn't do that to get what they want in life. I don't like the "it's because I'm (insert color/race here) excuse". It doesn't fly with me. I didn't give him the satisfaction of getting mad or give him any emergency passes for his missing half his movie complaining to me. Nope, nothing at all... and he came off looking like a fool. Hee!

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Piccy of the week: A Kyou sprite of my very own... too kawaii!!


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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