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Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003 @ 11:36 A.M.

As the time passes...

Well, well... it's been a few days. And I blame Moises. Isn't that always the case? This time it's really the lil' buggers fault. He introduced me into the world of Final Fantasy IX... and I can't stop playing. Though the worlds may collide and I need to sleep, I can't stop myself. Darn you Moises! I was one of the few people who was holding out in not playing any video/console type games because they are life suckers. Just like SIMs, but on crack... I just couldn't stop. Now, I must get through this and then start to play Final Fantasy VII... if I live without sleep. Jen is scaring me. She's constantly urging me to play VII. Could it be... Sephie? Perhaps.

Friday, I had a bad day. I cried... a lot. I was depressed from the night before because we had a really bad shortage in Inventory. Although it doesn't affect me financially, it makes me look bad 'cuz I was the one who was doing Inventory. Also, it makes the theatre look bad... like we don't know how to run the building or something. So now, we've got cameras everywhere. And we're having a meeting on Thursday. ::Waves finger around:: Yay? I just know that we'll be discussing a whole lot of stuff that won't be very pleasant. I hope that I won't be too bitey. Yeah... bitey. Actually, I just hope she even lets us talk in general. Usually, meetings with her aren't very open. Ah well, I'll try and get my comments in where I can. No one's really stopped me yet.

This weekend, Jen stayed over. Roach decided last minute to go to Oregon on retreat to "be blessed or kill someone". She came back, not having done either. So, in any case, Jen has been over for almost a week and now I'm at HER house. We will do shopping and... um... shopping. Yup... I will get some new black clothes. Maybe some boots and other cool punk/goth stuff that looks neat. Whee! Jen wants to buy a trenchcoat. I saw David wearing it and it was completely awesome! I... touched it... It was canvas-y and has pretty silver buttons. That reminds me, Roach brought five of her closest associates to DareDevil. Not her friends, her associates. She said she was trying to make peace or something. Maybe it's an extention of her retreat thing, but I don't think it's working. She didn't seem very happy. Well, I'll talk to her about it laters.

And now we wait... to go shopping!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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