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Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 @ 2:22 A.M.

Hair... dye, dye, dye!!!

Oh my gooshness! You won't ever guess what I did! Um... I got the rest of Fruits Basket... but that's not what I did that was so shocking. I showed Mi-chan, Momo-kun, and Ra-chan the Vanilla stage show by Gackt, but while that was shocking, it's not the most shockingest thing I did today. Well, I drove to Redmond and got lost, but that's not a shock either! Went to Anime Kingdom and bought three new CDs... once again, not shocking in the least.

I coloured my hair. That's it. We went to Bell' Square, got bleach and stuff and went back to my apartment to get Mi-chan, Momo-kun, and mine's hair coloured dark auburn. Mine is definitely NOT dark auburn. It kinda looks blondish-red to me, but that could just be my paranoia talking. I really don't want to get into trouble at work about my hair-colour. It would have to suck to re-colour it, especially so soon. Roach says I shouldn't worry... it looks natural enough. Maybe if I had been out in the sun for hours at a time, but I'll try not to worry. Momo-kun got his tips done and Mi-chan got hers highlighted, like me. Ra-chan declined any offer to even touch her hair. I like what we did to our hair... I'm just a fraggin' worry-wort. Hee.

It was fun having Mi-chan and Momo-chan sleep over. We watched Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh, ate, and slept. In the morning, I cooked bacon and pancakes. Mi-chan said my pancakes tasted good. Thank gooshness that I'm not a total crackhead in the kitchen. Watched the Malice Mizer/Gackt DVD that I have, played a bit of Kingdom Hearts, and went to pick up Ra-chan. Shopped for hair supplies, went to Bank of America (where Ra-chan promptly splashed us with puddle water), and shopped at Anime Kingdom. Came home, bleached our hair, watched Fruits Basket, coloured our hair, watched more of Fruits Basket while sis went Karaoke-ing in Tacoma, ordered pizza, watched the rest of Fruits Basket until 1:30AM and then finally drove everyone to Ra-chan's apartment. Whew! What a day.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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