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Friday, Jan. 31, 2003 @ 4:14 A.M.

Lazy-ass me!

As to Geoff's latest entry, I just have to give a big, puzzled, "HUH?" Whoosh... went right over my head and smacked right into a wall! ::Scratches head:: Uh, yeah...

Didn't do too much today. Cleaned the many, many dishes that me and sis have managed to accumulate in only two days of not washing. Every fraggin' glass was dirty! I just can't stand to drink cold water from a plastic cup or mug. So, I gave in and cleaned the dishes. ::Grimaces:: And the mess under my bed is still a mess... mostly because of all the stuff I have brought or bought. Geh... I really need to rearrange my belongings better. Or at least put away my clothes properly. ::Shrug::

I came to a pretty interesting revelation with my sis last night. Although she wants to be the big anti-social hermit, she is not. Her friends won't let her. I mean, this weekend she's heading off to Winnatchee(sp?) for a huge retreat with a bunch of her bible study group. I don't get her. She wants to focus on her ONE class now, but she goes off and does something social. Procrastination is one thing, but flat out unwillingness is another.

I on the other hand, do not feel like leaving the apartment if I don't have to. I'm perfectly content to stay at home and not have social interaction for days at a time. Sorry, guys! It's not that I don't like ya, it's just that I'm a lazy little minx. I'm a homebody. It's relaxing... it's stressless... and it's NOT DRIVING!

My sis had the gall to ask me if she could take my car to her retreat since it's snowing over there and my car has chains. Yeah right! There's no way I'd drive her car to work. I don't think it could take the commute. Besides, I still have to get that thrice-darned oil change. Geh and more geh...

Favorite bishounen of the moment: Veggie-kun!

And that's all I'll say about that...

Vegeta: Woman, you try my patience.

Oh, Veggie-kun! You love me, really!!

Vegeta: I will blast you into the next dimension if you keep mocking me!

::Sweat drops:: Um... okay shutting up now.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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