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Monday, Feb. 03, 2003 @ 2:18 P.M.

Phone calls and advertising...

Hey, hey! What has been happenin' people? Oh, wait... I'm s'posed to tell you what's been happening to me! Heh... silly me.

Um... now, what am I supposed to write about? Erm... duh, guh, smeg, geh... can't think.

Brendan called, I called, we all called each other. Yup. It's always great to hear from him and I hope he enjoys our conversations, too. Even if he is a bit naughty. ::Grins::

On the 31st, I did a stupid thing. I called my ex, Chris, to be friendly and wish him a Happy Birthday. Jeez, the feelings that welled up when he actually spoke to me showed me that I'm one messed up chick. That fraggin' bakayaro! He said that he was coming to the theatre to watch a movie and I hid, dreading when he would show up. But guess what? One more time, he didn't follow through with his word. What the hell did I get all worked up about? Nothing... absolutely nothing. And that's what he is to me, now. ::Sigh::

Jen stayed over at the apartment since Roach was on retreat. It's always sooooo fun when people sleep over. Especially Jen, 'cuz we can stay up and watch anime. Ah, and hardly get any sleep, but that's besides the point.

Oh! There's this new site that Andrew(y'know, the guy in charge of Diaryland) made called Swappingtons and I have put some stuff on it. It's so new and I have no points at the moment, but just wait and see. Actually, since I'm such a packrat, it's hard for me to get rid of stuff, but there are quite a few CDs, books, and VHS tapes that I can swap out and this would be the perfect way for my to get rid of them, if only people would want them! Swappingtons is a great idea, though. There's no money involved, except what you spend to ship items to other people. I just hope it works out successfully.

Wow! Malice Mizer is so gothy!! They rock!!!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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