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Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2003 @ 3:47 A.M.

Time and gas... ugh!

Dude! I have not written in quite a while... and that's not 'cuz I'm dead or nothin'! Nope, I still live and breath, though I am having a hard time with this cold that seems to be coming on. Crap... just when I have two days off in a row, this has to happen. Why!? Oh, and my brother is sleeping in my bed. Hey, no one ever said I wasn't random.

I still need to get the oil in my car changed. Heh... I was s'posed to do it while I was on my week-long vacation, but I couldn't be bothered to get outta bed, or Renton for that matter. ::Shrug::

Also, my cell phone is majorly on the blink. While I'm outside, it picks up a good signal, but in my apartment, it can't pick up a gosh darn thing! Maybe the apartment has lead lined paint. I dunno what coulda happened, but it might be all my late cell phone bills. Whoops!

It seems that after my vacation, I have taken work more in stride. Des doesn't get to me as much. I mostly ignore her rantings like a cat would ignore anything that doesn't interest it. Usually, my own rantings about her are spouted to assure the other managers that, I too, cannot stand the woman for any long amount of time. I'd rather just sit back and watch her come into her own undoing from the sidelines. She certainly doesn't need me to help her fall. What I don't understand is the people who can't do what they're told, no matter how stupid the rules. I mean, they're there to follow and if they are followed to the 'T' and we still fail, then it's no fault of ours. It's the leadership's fault. And man, do we have some dumb leaders.

That being said, I hate time. Time is the bane of my existence! I wish that our society didn't put so much stock in being timely and all. Doing things in my own sweet time and having no structured schedule would be my greatest wish in life. That way, I would never be procrastinating. I could do things when I felt like it and not worry that others would be waiting. Oh, to be so carefree! Yeah, for some reason the other managers have been complaining about how late I am for work. Actually, I've been pretty good lately, just about ten minutes late. Then, yesterday, I was an hour late because of crappy weather, coupled with terrible traffic in Seattle, trebled by the darkened SR-900 scary road to pick up Jen. I left my apartment at 4:45pm and reached work at 6:30pm. It's a friggin' 30 mile trip from North Seattle to Renton Highlands to Issaquah! I shoulda been able to get there in at least forty-five minutes. And today, I kinda didn't get up early enough to get ready for work on time. I mean, I woke up and went right back to sleep since I felt sorta crappy. Then I woke up, ate Ramen, showered('cuz I wasn't gonna do interviews looking like I just rolled outta bed!), and got gas. Ugh! Gas prices went sky-high!! Okay, so I drive 20 miles to work in traffic that had no right to be as bad as it was at that time. I'll never figure out Seattle traffic... After my last interview, I went at picked up Jen. While on SR-900, I called her and I woke her up. Ack!!!! Then, while on the way back, Ryan calls from the theatre saying that a projector was beeping and what should they do? Panic insues... well, not on my part. I was pretty unconcerned. Stuff like that happens and you just roll with it. Still, I tried to hurry back. Yeah, in a nutshell, Des is a bi-yaotch. Oh, and remember how I wrote that I just got gas today? Well, I've already gone about 65 miles roundtrip from Seattle to Issaquah to Renton to Issaquah to Renton and back to Seattle. And people wonder why my car is over 1000 miles overdue for an oil change...

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