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Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 @ 3:45 P.M.

Was sick, but not so much anymore...

Wah! I was completely sick yesterday... sneezing, hacking, tearing up, not breathing... y'know, SICK. So, I did nothing. Well, that's not exactly true. I did read some CATS fanfics online and played Final Fantasy IX for three hundred hours. I drank a lot of water (enough to drown a dead horse or something along that line, as I'm fond of saying) and ate (drank?) soup, a whole can of Pringles (needed the salt, man) and nearly finished off all the chocolate in the apartment. Uh, yeah, healthy eating at its best. The funny thing is, I feel much better today, just kinda sleepy.

Right... I need to get off my keister and get ready for work. I don't wanna, though! ::Whine:: My back's all achy and my head hurts and I wanna call in sick and stuff!! ::Pout:: But I gotta go to work... they need me. Really. And besides I promised people that I would call some of their references so I could interview them. Suck... I hate that. The problem is, how am I s'posed to do interviews at the same time as doing the HR table? Honestly, how? That woman never thinks, really. I need to have one single day at the HR table and one single day on interviews/references... nothing else. No cash handling, no dealing with floor, nothing but prospective employees. I don't have the luxury of going up into an office and forgetting 'bout everything else going on in the theare, I'm actually scheduled to do a certain job and most times that doesn't leave me much time to do anything extra... like HR stuff. It's no wonder that our crew is dwindling down to practically nothing. I'd have to take extra time to do what needs to get done. Lemme tell ya... I have figured something out... I work enough extra hours as it is. And I won't come in early just to do references, not when I come in during the day and see that the manager on duty goes off and takes breaks every five minutes because it's so bloody slow! Nope, I don't think so. He can do reference during the day, too! I don't care how much he needs his smokes... dork.

Okay, enough... I do need to get ready. ::Growl::

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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