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Saturday, Jan. 18, 2003 @ 12:40 P.M.

Leg waxings, ugh...

I cannot believe that I spent the time before going back to work from my week-long vacation with Geoff and Moises. Well, actually, they came over to my apartment... and I hadn't even left the 'rents' house yet! I had to hurry over and they had the gall to ask me to cook breaky for them. Not that I really minded... I need to practice my skills at cooking anyways. All I'm good at are cooking bacon, sausage, and eggs, though. But, that's what they bought and I cooked it and they aren't dead or even a little sick, so I musta done a good job, huh? Yeah, I think I did.

When back to work on Thursday, almost on time, too! I was only late by about ten minutes... which is pretty good for me. And I found out I didn't have to do Inventory. Yay! We had our meeting, got a bit agitated about some of the new combo rule and stuff, but then I got reviewed. Eh... yeah.

Friday was, um work. It was slow at the theatre, for which I am grateful. I was still recovering from the twelve hours I worked the day before. And I think I'm getting sick, as well. ::Cough, cough:: Oh well. I came home at about 2AM(early, for me!) and found that there were strange females in the apartment and no sis in sight. They were her friends and they were sleeping over after having a drinking night.

Today, I started taking my pills again. I have to keep remembering to take them or I'll die. No, just kiddin'! Like I was explaining to Moises last night, I don't know what it helps exactly, but it's something to control something that is slightly stress related and hereditary. Uh, yeah... it really is not that serious. It just helps me stay a bit healthier. Don't worry about it.

'kay, now I have to get off the 'net.

Ewwww... my sis and her friend were waxing their legs. I can't believe I slept through all the screaming. Ack!!!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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