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Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003 @ 1:28 A.M.

Fear me...

Vegeta: ::Smirking:: Heh heh... it seems the woman is not here to entertain you. Instead, I will take over and exact my revenge...

Goku: Hey, Vegeta! ::Looks around quizzically:: Whacha doin'?

Vegeta: Nothing, idiot! Leave me alone. ::Crosses arms across chest and glares daggers:: As I was saying, I will destroy this diary for degrading my name. I have my pride.

Goku: Oh, are ya sure ya don't want to get a bite to eat or something and leave this nice girl's diary alone?

Vegeta: ::A barely perceptible spark of interest kindles in his black eyes:: Fine, Kakarotto. But only because I find this place... ::Sneers:: ...isn't fit for the Prince of All Saiyajins' presence.

Goku: Right. I think the food's over there! C'mon, Vegeta. ::Powers up and blasts off, drooling::

Vegeta: ::Shakes his head and growls:: Idiot. ::Powers off and follows::

::Timidly, from behind a rock:: Um... is he gone? Phew... I thought he was scary before. The raw power that exudes from him... it's amazing! I mean, wow. I guess he doesn't like being called Veggie-kun, but he's so cute when he's trying to be all mean-like. ::Giggles:: I am going back to work completely insane. Yay! I hope ya guys can handle it.

::Sings:: I saw Chicago, I saw Chicago... and it was awesome. I need to see it all the way through next time, but I saw it with my bro and Jen. I thought that the singing was wonderful, the dancing amazing, and the story got me thinking. AND the song Mr. Cellophane is in it! I love that song.

After the movie, we talked to Tracey and Anita for a while. Then, we went to Bank of America to get Jen's money, went to Red Robin to meal, went to Best Buy(where I promptly bought the Chicago soundtrack), then went shopping at the mall. Yay for lil' bros who are willing to drive their sister and friend around. Man, shopping with Jen always is hard on the plastic, but I love it! I think that Rogee had a rough time, but that's only because he spent most of the time at the arcade. I bought the coolest clothes!!! Two skirts, a blouse, and a hoody... I love my new hoody. It's gots cat ears! So cool and awesome and it came with cat paw mittens, but I gave them to Jen and now she's gots her cat paws and they are so kawaii and I'm wearing my hoody right now because it's warm and totally neato. Whee!!!

Okay, I think that's about it, except, I love watching Celebrity Mole!!!!

::Grins crazily::

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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