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Friday, Jan. 10, 2003 @ 1:30 A.M.

Where the weirdness comes from...

I do believe that my family is... I don't know... strange. Okay, so most people say that about their family, but I know this for a fact since many of my friends have said it and if many people say something, it must be true. Isn't that right?

For one thing, we're a fairly close family. That means that we are completely open and honest with each other. I've told many a friend (and the few that we've dared to invite over for meals have witnessed this first-hand) how we will talk about anything at the dinner table. Politics, religion, medical topics, and most of all, sex. Geh... Lemme tell ya, having a boyfriend come over was a sure death of the relationship... although it was handy for testing to see what type of humor and embarrassment level they can handle. Heh... Just throw my friends to my parents and I'd be able to see exactly how good a friend they really are. Usually though, I would hang out with my friends and my siblings. I mean, if you can hang with me, then you can hang with the bro and sis, too. I always enjoy being with them. I'm comfortable with them. They're great kids. But for some reason, my guys never seemed to appreciate me inviting them to every thing that they planned. Uh... not that my boyfriends have been that decisive or anything... they just didn't like having to be with them and me at the same time. I tend to be wackier with my sibs around. Especially with my sis. Like I've said before, she brings out the man-basher in me... a lot. Hee hee! I'm just really close with my brother and sister. For some reason, I never really fought with them. They always fought with each other. I always got to break it up. Yay for being the eldest... seriously though, we can talk to each other about everything.

The second thing about my family is our take on technology and material possessions in general. We buy stuff waaaaaay after we should. Like, we didn't have an answering machine for the longest time! My dad still has the VCR that he bought from Japan and that was when I was about ten years old. The thing is, he will buy something and keep using it until it completely breaks down and fails. Anyone who's ever come over to my house will attest to the fact that we have two televisions in our living room. Now, one is the new big one that I bought last, last Christmas to replace the one that my father had bought in New York when I was younger. The other one is the small white one that my mother plugged into a super charged socket (y'know, the kind for huge appliances) and blew up, but we got repaired and it still works, but has pictures that sputter to life in a magenta tinge. Whee... The 'rents just won't let it go since it still works. So, us Manuel kids have inheirited this failure to see when to get rid of something when it doesn't work properly, but it still works kinda. Also, we have trouble upgrading existing technology. Our Performa went five years without any upgrades before we gave it more ram and a new modem. Then, it took another two years to get a new computer. Wow, is all I can say. At least, we're not technology whores.

The third thing is that we're hermits. Honest. Most people who have known us for a long time, have no idea where we live. A lot of the reason is that we don't want to invite people to our house for fear of having them meet Mother. Also, she doesn't like people visiting. She would prefer for nobody to come over and see the "messy" house. She doesn't like to have to entertain people. I dunno... I just like to hang out. I'm fine with just watching TV and sitting around listening to music, but I guess others find that boring. So, we try not to invite people to the house. It's boring there. And it's got Mother.

Well, weirdness and eccentricity aside, it's my family and it's what helped shaped me into the young woman I am now. Uh... yeah. I'll blame it all on my upbringing.

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