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Monday, Jan. 13, 2003 @ 5:08 P.M.

My vaca, so far...

Hmm... I'm on vacation, right? Well, it hasn't been a very... what's the word?... constructive or fruitful, perhaps? Yeah, that's what it hasn't been. I've been pretty lazy, not that it's that hard for me. ::Laughs::

The first day of my vacation started on Wednesday. I was dead tired, but I promised Moises I would hang with the lil' foo' for the day. We picked up Rogee and went over to Moises' to play with his PS2 before going to play mini-golf with my church youth group. I was a bit disappointed that we couldn't bowl, like I orginally thought we would, but apparently there are bowling leagues that took up that area. Humph... whatever. I still kicked Rogee's and Moises' butts on the mini-links. Ha ha ha!

On Thursday, I brought the bro over to the apartment. He found out that Roach had bought a PS2 of her very own. Yes, Moises, you are off the hook(not that you read this, baka). I can't wait to buy some more games for it. Well, actually, I like my simple PS pinball game. Roach got Tekken 4. Honestly, I don't what her obession is with fighting games other than the fact she can kick mine and my bro's butt at them. Anyways, she invited us to go to her UW bible group thingy. I enjoyed it. Rogee thought it was weird and different. That boy really needs to experience different things, church-wise. People have different ways of worshipping and there's nothing wrong with that. It's the ideas that count. He stayed at the apartment until Saturday morning, playing with the compy, his game, the PS2, watching DVDs, and he even took us out to dinner. What a proud working man he is.

Saturday, I came home and started watching the anime that my bro tapes for me. They were pretty much reruns, but they got me reading fanfics on the Internet. I can't get enough of Vegeta/Bulma get together stories. There are so many takes on how that relationship comes into being and they all pretty much say the same thing... Vegeta, the prince of all ass-holes really is a good match for Bulma, princess of all screechy harpies. It's truely amazing how much personality these authors put into these characters, especially Vegeta. Just from these fanfics, he's quickly becoming my favorite DBZ character.

Three straight days of reading... I'm in bliss.

Now, I should try and clean this mess of a room that I used to live in. I kinda owe it to my parents to give this room up, but I'm such a lazy child. Hee hee!!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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