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Thursday, Dec. 05, 2002 @ 1:11 A.M.

Birthday recap...

Umm... there's something wrong with my throat. When I swallow, it hurts. So, I haven't eaten anything solid since the Twix Jen bought for me on Tuesday night. But even drinking water hurts! I think that I must be really getting sick, 'cuz that's the only time my tonsils act up. Geh...

I'm officially an older by a year, well, since Monday. Honestly, I don't think of birthdays as big deals. So, I just went to my sis' work and had pasta lunch with her. The best thing was that we helped this elderly lady to where she was going. She was wandering around lost and entreated us to help her. It was really sad, really. She had been trying to find this certain place for about an hour and nobody had stopped to help her. It makes my heart burn in anger when I think of how simple it was to guide her to her destination and no one else wanted to. All they had to do was take a few minutes out of their busy lives to do this, but nooooooo... People can be such bastards!!! I just about burst into tears when her eyes welled up and she thanked and blessed me and my sis profusely. That made my day.

Later, I went and got Moises from the theatre and we went down to the Great Wall Mall (or Big Asian Hangout Place) to meet Rogee. I spent a lot of time watching them play games against each other. Jeez, those two are competitive. It was okay... I was amused and I had my bubble tea. We then went to Sweet Kitty across the street to look at anime and Hello Kitty stuff. Then we went to the mall and did a bit of shopping. I totally got great pressies for the people at work. I love shopping for other people!! After the mall, we went to Cold Stone and got ice cream, then went to Wendy's for dinner. Hee... dessert then dinner... I always did like that.

On an even better note, Des is on vacation! ::Loud hootin' and hollerin':: The stupid thing is that she told me to come in early on as many days as possible. ::Snort:: Right... I'll make sure to comply with your request, madam. When you fly...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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