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Sunday, Nov. 17, 2002 @ 5:24 P.M.

Feelin so much better, it's scary!

Thanks, guys! Thank you for allowing me to have a near stressless day with my sis on Saturday. I can't thank y'all enough...

I heard that yesterday at the theatre was a madhouse... and I missed pretty much all of the hoopla. I can't say that I really regret not coming in, but I did feel very guilty when Des called me to ask where I was. I WAS scheduled to work at 8:00pm, but all the other managers pretty much wondered why I was scheduled for such a stupidly short shift. ::Shrug:: I had every intention of going in, until THAT WOMAN called me. She started talking to me and somehow kept reminding me that she had been there since 6am. Jeez... gimme a break. I always work long hours and I never feel the need to tell everybody in the room that ::Nasal Des WHINE:: I've been there for twelve hours! Not unless I'm joking. Geh, it really galls me, but I felt sorry for her. I think that's what the problem... I can't help but feel sorry for people, especially if they're whiny ninnys who seem to need attention every five seconds. I've always had a soft spot for children...

I'll be glad when she's on vacation. I don't care how busy it is, without her, the atmosphere will have a chance to clear up and we can assess the damage she's done. I don't care, we need to have a manager's meeting to discuss her and how she's doing at our theatre. I'm just glad that I took it upon myself to commandeer the employee schedule. A happy crew is a better crew than a crew who is always whinging on about something. Granted, I know that there will always be something to complain about, but if I can ease one or more problems by taking on the stress of making the schedule, it makes me feel better. And that's all that really counts... making my life easier for me, right? Riiiiiiiiight...

Sometimes, I wish... well, I can't really be selfish. Oooooooo... but I did get the cutest jammy-jams yesterday. They're silky and black with red Asian fans on them. I sooooooo love them. Jen, we must do more shopping together!!! ::Squeal:: I got your pressies... hee, hee! And I got my brother his birthday pressie and I got new CDs and a new work outfit. Man, I haven't helped the economy this much in a long time. A woman armed with purpose and a credit card is a dangerous thing. Hah!!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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