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Thursday, Oct. 31, 2002 @ 1:35 A.M.

The seventh day... and now I die?

Happy All Hallow's Eve! Well, actually, right this moment it's All Hallow's Morn, but whatever.

Not much to say today except that, IT"S FRAGGIN' COLD! Garn, I can't believe how unbelievable freezing it is... My poor extremities can hardly take it. One morning I'll find that they fallen off from frostbite. Brrrrr!!

I finally watched The Royal Tenanbaums. It was pretty interesting. Wasn't as funny as I thought it would be. There was a lot of family weirdness going on that I could relate to... well, not really. Although my family is strange, it simply cannot compete with the odd relationships that were in that movie. The movie made me think about stuff and I enjoyed that.

Went to church. We played a game that made everyone very uncomfortable. Y'know that passing the apple under your chin game? Well, we used pumpkins (the tiny kind) in celebration of the harvest (we don't believe in celebrating Halloween). Oh my gooshness! At first we had mixed teams, boys and girls, but then Mr. Darin stopped us and we had to get on same sex teams. Still was uncomfortable. All of us young people protested having to participate in the game. I mean, you have to get really, and I mean really, close to the person you're passing the pumpkin to. Sufficed to say, the girls won, but not without a lot of cheating on mine and a few of the other girl's parts. We wanted to get the game over with quick. I can't believe that Dar would do that to us. ::Sigh:: It's just hard to say no to the woman. She's a saint, but very strong-willed and very naive as well. She's very frightening in her powers. If only I could learn her secrets... heh.

Ack! It's the seventh day!! If me and Jen aren't at work today, it's because we are victims of THE RING.


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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