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Saturday, Nov. 02, 2002 @ 2:21 P.M.

And a zombie is born!

From the anals of the lowermost Basements, a zombie arises to meet the darkness of night. Blargh!!!

Ha, ha... I'm not dead as you might suppose. Just mostly dead. Me and Jen both survived the seven days after The Ring, but I went to work yesterday feeling like something the cat dragged in... through skat. The night (and most of the morning) before... which would be Thursday night/Friday morning for those of you who don't want to figure out such things... was waaaaaay too long to contemplate. We didn't leave the theatre until 5:30AM. The reason is because it was just me and Jen working that night. What you might not know is this: Thursday nights are very hectic, trying to get Inventory and readying films to be picked up, moved and to be shown for opening weekend. The problem is that I had to do Inventory and break down films. The thing is, Weekly Inventory is a full night's work. Especially when the numbers don't add up properly. Let me tell you, by the end of the night, I was feeling quite peeved and resentful of my knowledge. Sometimes I wish I were so brainless as a zombie or at least a little more ignorant of certain skills. Oh, well, maybe one day, when my brain capacity shrivels to the size of a pea, I'll be capable of being a GM.

So I came in the next day feeling crappier than I've ever felt before. I picked up Jen, even though she wasn't working, but she was gonna keep me company over the weekend since my sis is on Retreat with her Intervarsity friends. There's no freakin' way I'm staying the apartment by myself after Halloween and the Ring.

But yesterday, let me tell ya, we had a bit of excitement. Some stupid little girls pulled the fire alarm. Thank gooshness it was during the last part of the 7 o'clock set, or we woulda had more problems. The employees are to be commended. They quickly made sure all the customers were out of the building and helped with the crowd control. I really am proud of them. I'm just glad that there really wasn't a fire. I'm also glad that we caught the thrice-darned children who were silly enough to think that pulling a fire alarm was a funny prank. Not only did it disrupt the movies and patrons, it was a dangerous thing to do. What if the customers weren't so calm and started stampeding or something? Very bad things can happen when groups of idiotic people get together. We got outta there kinda later than usual, but Jen was there to help even though it was her day off. I'm very thankful that we also started out the new guys. What a trial by fire they had for their first day. It was quite amazing.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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