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Friday, Oct. 18, 2002 @ 1:42 P.M.

Magical noises and birthday plans...

I got my oil changed... finally! Yeah, yeah, I know. Exciting stuff, all right. The stupid thing is, I thought that all the weird, disturbing noises that my car makes would stop after my oil was changed, but I find out that it's really the transmission fluid that's getting dirty and making my car act up. Ack!! Well, no biggie... Roach's transmission fluid needed changing forever and a half and her car ran fine. I just have to ignore the noises and they'll magically go away. ::Waves wand:: Poof!!!

So, the manager's meeting yesterday was sucky. We have new tills, which are awesome new touchscreen computers, but now we have money handling issues and security measures that HR has put into effect. The bastards at HR really don't know how a theatre runs. Honestly! How do they expect us to do the things they ask of us? What they are basically saying is this: They don't trust the management staff. We go through background checks and stuff and they still don't trust us. It really upsets me. But like I said in my journal about five entries ago, I can't simply quit. I need this job. I don't need the stress, but what's stress if it doesn't challenge you a bit? I just need to vent in a more soothing way. I'll try not to yell as much or take out my frustrations on the unsuspecting employees. Well, only unless they deserve it. I'll just take it day by day, shall I? Yeeeeeesssss...

Perhaps Jen and I will pick up applications on her birthday before any of the fun stuff begins. All right... a plan at last. Not that plans usually work for me. I'm pretty sure that I'll sleep over at Jen's on Sunday night after work... All I know for sure is this: We need alcohol, and a cake, and some candles, and some more stuff which I'll have to buy on Sunday before the big party. I still need to pick up some more pressies for the birthday girl, too. This'll be a blast!!!!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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