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Thursday, Oct. 17, 2002 @ 12:08 A.M.

The Goddess returns with a vengence!

Maybe I'm just the Goddess of Luck... and I just don't know it, yet.

My sis got another flat tire... the third one in the six years that she's had the Geo. Is that normal? I mean, what's the average amount of flats a car can have in it's lifetime? I think Roach has had her fill. She actually had to call a guy to come over and help her change the tire. Oh, how I laughed! She so very independent, y'know... and she chaffs at the fact that she needed a man. She was able to jack up the car and get one of the bolts that holds the tire on, but the rest were too tight. She had to jump on the first one and just couldn't do the others. ::Laughing:: I can't understand her. I have absolutely no problem with my car (other than it desperately needs an oil change) or asking for guys to help me out. ::Flutter eyelashes:: I have to do what? That's so icky! ::Giggle:: Honestly, if you can't get some use out of them, what is it that they're good for? ;-)

Before the flat and church, we went grocery shopping. Yay! We won't starve!! I gots candy, too!!! I also called Cingular about my bill that was just a bit too much. They knocked off all the roaming charges since I'm not supposed to be roaming for in-state calls. Thank goodness... I wouldn't want to pay eighty-five bucks for a cell bill for any reason.

All in all, a pretty good day. No stress. No work. And shopping. If only work didn't get in the way of a perfectly good mood.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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