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Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2002 @ 2:07 A.M.

Work and sad facts...

My day was surprisingly good. I went to work and hardly got annoyed at all. The only thing that annoyed me slightly was that Ryan didn't close out the concessionists before he left. The boy is slow, I tell ya... 'course, he don't know how to close 'em out properly. Tracey really did do a poor job of training the lil' tyke. And he gets sick all the time. What's up with that? I wish I could do that. ::Cough, cough:: I can't come in, 'kay? Is that all right with the rest of you? Yeah, I thought not. Once again, I wonder what it really would be like to be the General Manager and then, I think... naw. I can't stand those prats in upper, upper management. Just hanging around 'em while I was just acting GM made me feel sick.

So, I'm trying to download MSN Messenger again. I really want to be able to talk to me friends online. I just wish I weren't so tired from driving from work all the time. Oh, that's right! On the way to drive Jen home, there was, like, a big accident or something on SR-900. There were ambulances and flashing lights and flares! It was really scary and weird and I had to take a bit of a detour to avoid going through it. I wonder what happened... I just hope that no one got really hurt. Unfortunately, quite a few people are idiotic when they drive and sometimes need something to wake them up to that fact.

I just saw the DBZ eppy where Majin Boo's puppy got shot. That is just wrong. Man, I cried. It was completely unnecessary and cruel. I can't believe that there are any people in the world who would do that... but there are. And I hate them.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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