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Sunday, Oct. 13, 2002 @ 11:25 P.M.

Please let this be a good day!

I am feeling better and refreshed like I haven't felt in a while. Spending money and getting new stuff can be so fun!

Yesterday, I wasn't able to get up in time for church. I just couldn't. The last two days before that were so miserable that I felt crappy... and I was freezing to death in my bed. All I had was my jammy-jams and one thin sheet protecting me from the tundra air. ::Brrrrr!:: I kept waking up and shivering until I decided to sleep on my side curled in the fetal position. Not very comfortable at all. Woke up. 11:00AM. Too late for Sunday School or service. The only thing that perked me up was that Roach said Kate was completely gone and we could go to IKEA and go shopping. Yay and a half!!

Lovely, lovely shopping. We made a list of what we needed from the house and what we needed to buy and what we wanted to look at. Oh, what ambitious ladies we are. I was armed with purpose and a credit card... such dangers the world has never seen!!! Well, maybe more often than is necessary. ::Shrug::

We took the whole family to Southcenter Mall first. I got to drive the mini-van! My sis just needed to get a new phone since she broke her other one. Silly girl. Then, we all went to IKEA. I bought myself a new comforter. Yes, no more sleepless nights due to freezing my tukus off. I got some new pillows, too. Ah, the softness... and hypo-allergenic, too. Bought a bunch of stuff for the kitchen and bathroom. We got three new throw pillows. So kawaii!!! We named them Krum, Jean-Pierre, and... poo, can't remember the blue one's name. Was it Will Tippin? Or Jaime? I simply can't remember. We bought a new lamp to replace the one Kate owned. I love stuff that makes a place livable. We borrowed the van and took the Lazy-Boy and record player and the bed frame with all our purchases to the apartment. Man, you'd think that getting a recliner would be easy to get out of a van, but you'd be wrong. The thing wasn't heavy. Just cumbersome. Went back home and watched Alias. I can't wait for that series to come out on DVD. Awesome show, it is.

And now, I eat noodly-stuff and watch the cartoons and anime that Rogee so kindly taped for me. I hope that work is less stressful. I feel a lot better and I want to stay that way if it kills me.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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