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Got Brains?

Saturday, Oct. 19, 2002 @ 2:09 A.M.

Stupid girly me!

I'm not cynical enough for the theatre industry. At least that's what Geoff told me tonight. I suppose I'm not... on a good day. Today was a good day. I got my oil changed. The whole thing was done in less than twenty minutes. I really am such a silly girl. I had to circle the block twice, trying to figure out where I was supposed to park my car. Finally, one of the mech-y lookin' guys came out and told me exactly what to do. "Oh, I'm supposed to drive my car up to those doors?" ::Giggles:: "Okay." ::Flutters eyelashes:: I'm such a ditz. The funny thing is, it took longer for them to put in all my info into the computer than for them to change my oil and fill my tires with air. ::Shrug:: If I knew it were so easy, I wouldn't have put it off for so long.

I got to work and found out that six people weren't coming in to work. It's a good thing, though. It was deader than an English Rave. ::Snort:: Or after midnight in Issaquah. ::Snicker:: Isn't that sad? We were terribly slow. Formula 51 was a great movie, though! I have to be sure to get it when it comes out. Another of my favorite British actors is in it. Cannot wait...

I did something really stupid tonight. I stopped for a stranded driver. I really shouldn't have done that. It was right on the Ravenna exit and his hood was up and he was waving people down and no one was stopping, so I stopped. Normally, I would never do that, but he was alone and had no coat on and looked pretty worn out. I didn't turn off my engine, though. I'm not completely idiotic. I also just cracked my window enough to talk to the guy. He reeked of alcohol and he told me a story about how he was from Bellingham and was helping his sister move and how he ran out of gas and how he was waiting for some guy to give him a gallon but how he still needed about six more gallons to get back home. So, finally I asked him what he wanted me to do to help. He asked for money, of course. I happily said, okay and fished out two bucks. I don't carry that much cash with me since I have a credit card, but I gave him what I could and he said he'd pay me back if I gave him my address. I was, like, shocked... There's no way I'm giving a complete stranger my addy, so I told him to forget about it and I drove off. Other people were stopping to help, so I felt okay about leaving him there. It coulda been pretty dangerous, but it turned out okay in the end. Besides, lots of people were going by, so it's not like I was in a secluded area. Also, I coulda called the po-po at any time.

Well, I got's to sleep at some point. Also, not going to the staff meeting in the morning makes me feel all warm and squishy inside. Do you know how many of these meetings I've been at? Tons... they are simply mind-numbingly boring. And too early in the morning. Nope, not going. Ha, ha!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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