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Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 @ 7:31 P.M.

A lot of babble and all that rot...

Happy Birthday, Rotchana!

Something occurred to me one time after Geoff was yelling at Moises... I have tits. I don't know how it coulda escaped my notice, but it's completely true. It's that no one had ever said anything about them before until that one time that Geoff was yelling about being compared to me. Clearly the big difference (two big differences, actually) between us was that I have tits and he don't. ::Laughing:: Truly, it amazes me what I can learn on any given day.

Oh... by the way, Des' car was found in Seatac. She was afraid to start it so it will be her daddy driving her to work until the mechanics say that the engine isn't hooked up to a bomb or something. They damaged the car breaking into it by drilling holes into the door or something like that. They also ruined the dash and left a skeleton (a drawn one presumably since digging one up and driving one around in the car, even for fun would be just too, too disturbing) in the car.

VeggiTales is sooooooo funny! I love Silly Songs with Larry. Whoever makes VeggieTales has the weirdest sense of humor. They can be so completely random and silly... just like me!!! Hee, hee, hee... I started singing the "Pirates who Don't do Anything" at work and Jen said that I was weird. Is that comment warranted? Should I be offended? Would maiming be too much of an overreaction?! ::Crazy gleam in eyes:: Perhaps... but I enjoy the power weirdness gives me. And besides, I like Jen. I would never hurt her intentionally. Never.

Hey! I got home at 6:30PM dispite the fact that I was supposed to get off at 5PM. I hung around finishing up the movie schedule. Wah! Knockaround Guys isn't coming out like we were told!! Not cool!!! I wanna see Seth Green in all his non-assuming glory... He's such a cutie! What happened? Who knows, but instead of that movie we're getting... ::Gag::... Rules of Attraction. What the Hell... It's cast full of WB rejects. Oh well, Geoff seems excited about the fact that it was seriously in danger of getting an NC-17 rating. ::Rolls eyes::

My sis is such a spazz. She's totally, like, crushin' on this guy. Apparently he's a film major at USC. ::Shrug:: Oooooo-kaaaay... I guess he was all right looking. She asked him out and she didn't think he'd actually say, "Yes." What the Hell? She's not a troll... why would he say no? The girl seriously needs some self-confidence... or maybe a good-attitude and social graces booster. She believes that her anti-social ways pushes guys away. Weeeeeell, yeah it does. But the one guy who finally latches onto her will have to be pretty patient... and servile... and can cook... and be... a tall white boy, with glasses and a goatee. The girl has picky tastes.

Enough of this... I should sleep at some point 'cuz I'm gonna have to help move Kate's stuff to her new apartment in the morning. Anything to get her outta here!!!!

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