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Friday, Oct. 04, 2002 @ 11:32 P.M.

Wha' the...? It's a crazy day!

What has happened? Des' little hybrid car got stolen from her parking space at her apartment out in the boondocks. Whew! What excitement, what drama, what a windfall... It happened on the day that Tracey was leaving and she said that that was the best pressie that Des could ever give her. ::Laughing:: Isn't that terrible? Well, I feel sorry for the woman. Des seems to have to worse kind of luck or something. ::Looks around warily:: Confess... one of you is practicing some bad mumbo-jumbo on her, right? As long as it doesn't affect me, it's all good. The thing is, I had to sleep over at the 'rent's house for three nights. My sniffly self and headaches seemed to melt away at the house... also, the compulsion to clean up and pack up the rest of my stuff disappeared. I don't know what it is about being at the house, but it just makes me lazy.

Actually, one of the reasons why I slept at the house was because Kate, Roach's old roommate, is still staying at the apartment. And she's a total and complete slob. Gods, I thought I was bad, but she is amazingly disgusting. She leaves half eaten fruit laying about and dirty dishes and mugs everywhere. She doesn't clean any of it, either! I can't stand it and I can see why my sis didn't want to live with her. Geh... I come home and find that the place is a mess. A disaster area, to be exact. I can't wait for the girl to get into her new apartment and take her spoiled European butt outta here.

Hey, I have to make a blog about myself to give to Des so she doesn't have to do any work on her own. It's supposed to go to the DM, so I suppose it's better for me to describe myself than for her to make up crap about me. Honestly, that woman can't do anything in a timely manner. Jeez... here goes:

I started working for the East Valley 13 Cinemas while it was still owned by ACT III Theatres on April 4, 1997. I was trained as a concessionist at first, then moved onto box office after a month. When the opening came up for supervisor (ACT III had those at the time) a few months later, I applied. When Regal Cinemas came in and bought out ACT III, I was promoted to an hourly assistant manager. I quickly learned how to do all I needed to know about the job, and more and I became the 1st assistant to Anita Chenard. My duties became greater and I learned them all. Then, I was transferred to the Issaquah 9 Cinemas.

I: have knowledge of the basic managerial skills (closing out tills, making deposits, threading up film, etc.), know how to make an employee schedule, know how to make a movie schedule, close out payroll, know how program (and have limited tech knowledge of ) the Micropos concession tills, do the hiring, know how to do the weekly inventory, and have other little special knowledge about the theatre that keeps it running.

And so that's why I need a raise. ::Grin::

Poor Ryan... he had a terrible day, today. He was the only manager on the floor when everything decided to go straight to Hell in a handbasket. A projector wouldn't start working, the computer network went down, he was stuck in box covering breaks, and I was coming in late. Well, I was told by Des that I could come in later since me and Jen had been at work until nearly 6AM. I had an interview at 2PM, so I was gonna be in time for that, but I ended up showing up at 1:45PM anyways. ::Sigh:: At least he'll learn something from this experience... the theatre business can go as smooth as silk and then, BAM!... it all goes awry. At least he didn't hide in the office and break down crying. I did that once... and I had more experience than him. 'Course, he's got his cigs to calm him down. I have no such vices to fall back on.

Well, I did my interviews and they all went pretty well. I have a good feeling about this bunch. We'll see what happens.

And that's all one can do. Live life one moment at a time and see what happens next. It's alway a surprise that way. Yay!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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