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Friday, Sept. 06, 2002 @ 12:16 P.M.

Lots to do!

Well, yesterday proves that nothing ever goes perfectly as planned.

That, and I'm a big dork.

Two people decided to call me early (isn't 10AM early? I think so! ...especially since I went to bed at 4:30AM.) and wake me up... Rotchana, sounding very chipper and apologetic and letting me get back to sleep, and then Chris asking when I was coming over to his apartment. Geh... just how am I supposed to think when I'm barely awake?! As soon as I told him a time I promptly fell back to sleep.

When I finally get my head together around an hour later, I took a shower and was ready to leave at 12:30PM. I call Rotchana back, she's just gotten to sleep. I call Moises, he's eating lunch with his friends... that he hasn't seen for TWO DAYS!!! I call Chris and complain that I'm all ready to go out and no one else is. So I wait around and read more of my Cats stories. All waiting around for Moises... 'cuz I won't go to Chris' alone. Rotchana is too sleepy to go and I can't get a hold of Jen. Wah! I'm a dork. But I refuse to do things alone with a guy I'm not going out with. I'm proper like that... and no, going to do things with Moises doesn't count.

We watched Van Wilder, saw Chris had nothing but beer in his fridge and candy in his cupboards, then left. I had to get to drop Moises off and get to the manager's meeting. Learned about the new way of doing deposits (still confuses me) and made my comments. Afterwards, Ben convinced me to see 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' with him and Geoff. The funny thing is, Moises called to try and get me to go to Illusionz with him and Jason. Since Jason punked out on us, I was kinda miffed and decided, no, I didn't want to, Besides, I'm gonna go do that today with Jen, Geoff, Randy, and my bro. Yay!

Oh, and Cardcaptor Sakura is such a cheerful little anime!

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