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Sunday, Sept. 08, 2002 @ 2:46 A.M.

Wow, what a great day!

I didn't have a chance yesterday to recount the day, and I really shouldn't do it now since I have to go to church in the morning, but who said I ever did things I SHOULD do. Ha!

I woke up, not really early, but early enough that I could have been ready to pick up Jen and get to the theatre by 2:30PM to meet Geoff and Randy. Guess what? It's just not meant to be for me to be on time for anything, I swear. I dwahdled and puttered and watched Saturday morning cartoons, Interneted and had a nice conversation with my bro. He finally got a call back from CompUSA to have an interview and he was sooooooo excited. I decided he needed to get off his lazy tukas and get out more so I invited him along as a celebration. I call Jen and find out she's already at the theatre 'cuz she went to SwimFan with Geoff and his friends.

The boys wanted to eat so they decided (well, not really, they couldn't make a real decision without a lot of asking me what they wanted to do first) Red Robin was an easy place to go. Since I was running just a tiny bit late, it was fine. I get there and see that Ben is there too. Um... what the heck is he doing there? And that's what I blurted out when I joined the rest of the group. Oh well... I had a lovely strawberry drink and wonderful conversation with my friends. Oh! And I found a crayon and began to draw a picture. I let Jen have a turn too!! After taking everyone else's cash and paying on my card (and annoying our waiter a bit) we left. Geoff told us that he needed to pick up his car at the shop and we told him we'd meet him at Illusionz. He heads off with Ben and I think that's the last we will see of him, but...

Illusionz... that place is great! It was so fun!! I watched people play the dance games and got Jen hooked on Para Para and watched Geoff, Randy, and Rogee try to climb the Rock and I played Skee Ball, pinball (oh how I love pinball!), and wasted a whole lotta money. Randy had to leave for work, but we all played on. The cool part was when Rogee turned in all the tickets he got from everyone and picked out a wizard's hat, a toy top, and a lollipop (which he gave to some random kid. That was so sweet of him!) as prizes. Putting the wizard's hat on Geoff made him look even more like Harry Potter...

We headed back to the theatre and then went to Barne's 'cuz I wanted a frappacino. Talked awhile and nursed our drinks then decided we wanted to eat Georgio's subs. We had a nice little walk and had dinner there. I so prefer subs from there to Subway. Then we went to Game Stop (or something like that) and me and Jen browsed through the used anime while the boys looked at the games. I bought the Tenchi Muyo! movie and Geoff brought up a good point... do I have to buy something from every store I visit? Noooooooooo... not EVERY store. We went into Big 5 and I didn't buy anything in there... just played with the excercise machines.

At some point we headed back to the theatre again... but not before Ben and Geoff act like reckless jack-asses and ride a shopping cart across the parking lot. But Geoff's method of returning the cart left a lot to be desired... he pushed it hard and rolled it into a parked car. I scream and I begin to walk very quickly away from the scene of the crime. Baaaaaaad Geoff!!! I don't know him.

At the theatre, there was a multitude of teenage malcontents swarming around the front of the building... all from SwimFan. Stood around talking about those kids for awhile before actually going inside and sitting on the bench to "people watch". Well... person watch for Jen. Mmm-hmm... the view was good from where we sat. I think everyone knows what I mean... heh. Rogee got tired of waiting in the lobby and started watching Signs. We went out the exit doors and Geoff drove us crazily to Hillcrest bowling alley. We get there and it's loudly playing music and lights going like mad... it was like a rave scene. Some guy gives us glow in the dark necklaces and we start to bowl. I'm proud to say that I beat my bro at least once. The alleys there are so nicely oiled, it was slick as silk to throw the ball down there. I just wish that my shoulder hadn't been bothering me so much... that, and I broke a nail. ::Pout:: I had so much fun!!!

We almost get killed coming back because Geoff is such A GREAT FRIGGIN' DRIVER and he just had to break in his new tires. He gets Jen feeling sick, but we hung out talkin' to Randy and Ryan since they were just getting offa work. Ryan's a manager now! Yay!! And he's getting shafted... congrats, man!!!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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