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Monday, Aug. 12, 2002 @ 2:37 P.M.

Totally work-related... not!

Another work-related entry... how sad is it that it's all that I can seem to talk about? I believe the reason would be: I have no life outside of work. Honestly! All I do is sleep, work, go online, watch my taped cartoons, read a bit of manga or Stupid White Men, snack, and spend money. Not all it one day, but in bits and pieces. I could do it all, I suppose, but I'd be completely drained. As it is, I fall alsleep while talking to my friends online anyways... if that isn't some type of sign of exhaustion, I don't know what is.

What I plan on doing on my next day off is this: do my laundry, pay my bills, write a check to my father, hang with my bro, watch some of my new DVDs with the fam, go to church, and clean my room. Now, by planning this, I have quashed any real possibility of actually getting any of the stuff done. I tend to do that... and I wonder if it's just my contrariness coming to the forefront, even with myself. What I SHOULD do is just not appealing to me, even if it is important. Eventually, I get my stuff done, but in my own sweet time.

Amazingly enough, I find that I like Tenacious D. Jack Black is funny! He reminds me so much of Randy... but Randy doesn't think that he swears that much.

Oh, and Geoff is a festering boil. ::Laughing::

I can't wait until Jen turns 21. She's planning on getting a bit tipsy and inviting all her closest friends(or at least people she tolerates) to go to the gathering. Considering that we're planning on going over to Geoff's little cubicle of living quarters, it'll have to be a pretty exclusive party. The funny thing is that she's already had more alcohol than either me or Geoff have had. Oh well... the hanging out part is what I really look forward to. That, and laughing at the drunkards.

Hey! My entry wasn't work-related after all... yay me!!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
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Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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