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Sunday, Aug. 11, 2002 @ 2:25 P.M.

A short rant before work...

You've gotta admit... my life is about as interesting as watching dust settle. Ah, but trying to catch dust in a beam of light... now THAT'S interesting. See that dust! Catch that dust!! Got the dust!!!

Yesterday was pretty good. I spent more money... well, actually it was my 'rent's money, but Ise gots to pay 'em back anyhow. I got four new tops(which my mother said looked like all my other ones because I got two orange and two black, whatever), three new DVDs(Kung Pow-I know, I know, shut up! Everlasting Piece - it's British, leave me alone! And one that has a lost "Jackie Chan" movie and Jet Li movie on it), and two new CDs(Weezer and Linkin Park's Reanimation). The funny thing about the lost "Jackie Chan" movie is that he was only shown for less than a minute. That, and the whole movie was too corny to believe. I love old, badly-dubbed kung fu movies! They are so great!! I can't believe how hilarious they can be!!! Rogee was so pissed off at the end of the movie that he decided to not watch the Jet Li one yet. I couldn't watch those types of movies alone so I didn't either. I got ready for work and went. We did well for being understaffed. Lines went fast and I got some of the employee schedule done since my wonderful, amazing GM ::Bitter, sarcasm mode:: told everyone said that I did the fraggin' schedule even though she did it. I finally confronted her about it and she said even if it was her fault, I should continue to do the new schedule. ::Grrrrrrrr!!:: What the Hell?!! Whatever... my employees still love me and know that I wasn't the one who did it. Stupid woman. I'll not go into the the fact that I had to tell her what to say to the acting DM or that I had to remind her to print up certain closing reports or how she forgot to lock the front doors the other night... OR HOW TO DO HER FRAGGIN' JOB!!! Nope, I won't go into it.

I fell asleep while talking to Geoff. Sorry, man! I so tired, I slept through my alarm and didn't get to go to church this morning. I need to have so regular sleep patterns again... or not. Like Jen says, "Sleep is overrated."

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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