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Saturday, Jul. 06, 2002 @ 2:47 A.M.

Feelings, nothing more than randomness!

I know, I know... I should be sleeping, but I need to write down my feelings right now or I won't be able to sleep peacefully. Besides, I need to be on the Internet for some amount of time or I'll go completely insane. And I need to watch a certain amount of television or my day isn't worthwhile. Heh...

I found out that Jen has a diary... my influence touches all! I so happy. We went to Warehouse together for my break and she bought a DVD for herself and Moises. It's so fun to shop. Spending money... whee!! But we couldn't find the Powerpuff Girls soundtrack for the movie. She wanted to spend more goll-darnit, but apparently there isn't any soundtrack for the movie yet. Weird...

Desiree is starting to get on my pecs. Dude, she is so freakin' concerned with inventory that it's all she cares about. She asked me twice about the period summary reports and where they could be and I told her that they were always put in the same place. The old ones would go in a hanging folder in the file cabinet. I dunno, it irked me that she thought I should know where they exactly were when she needed them. Like I know where everything is in that building. Eventually, I saw them in HER office and wondered what the Hell she was looking for exactly. The ones for June weren't there but that's because we had been audited twice in one month and we didn't get to keep the reports. Jeez! What was I supposed to do? Pull the reports out of the air?! Gimme a break... I was trying to get the concessionist outta there by midnight and she bothers me with such trivialities. Bah!

::Sings:: Well, I'm gonna get to hang out with Moises and Jenifer on Wednesday! Yay!! Hellooooooo spending spree!!! Otakus, otakus, otakus... get too many of them together and you have a convention. Moises said we should go see Powerpuff Girls and dress up. He wanted to go as Buttercup. ::Laughs:: That boy... so very strange. But it would be fun. I know we'll be going down to the East Valley. Maybe since we'll be down there anyways, we could go to the Great Wall Mall. Yeah, Asian shopping center. Chris thinks it's scary, but that's just because he's outnumbered, 1000 to 1. Hee! That's okay, too many Asians in one place scares me too. Oooooo... we can get bubble tea! I love that stuff... yum, yum. Hmmm... I'm starting to get waaaaaaay too random. Time to sleep.

Nighty-night, my friends. Sleep well and have sweet dreams. My PJs are so kawaii!!!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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