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Monday, Jun. 03, 2002 @ 2:27 P.M.

I am not evil... really!

I love reading other people's diaries! Ryo-ohki's is soooooo very interesting and funny!! She really is like a little evil twin of myself... well, not evil, but what do you call someone who laughs evilly to herself and has insane visions of taking over the world? ::Glares at the weird looks from everyone:: What do you mean I just described myself?!

I AM NOT EVIL!!! EMode said so... so there! Nyah!! ::Sticks out tongue, oh so maturely::

Really, she is writing about stuff that I have thought and felt myself. It's too, too bizarre, I tell ya! My sister was told that according to her friend, statistics say that there are at least one million people in this whole wide world that is exactly like me. Whoa! A million other dopelgangers running around in this world?!! Someone get the nets!!! My sister was disturbed to hear that there could be any people remotely just like her, but to hear that there could be others like myself? She just about cracked, I tell ya! She shook her head and got this glazed looked in her eyes. Gee... am I really that scary? ::Giggles insanely:: Hee!

So, now I don't have to worry if my Chris decides that I'm not for him. I can have all my twins (erm... triplets... uh, millionets?) beat him up for me. ::Grins crazily::

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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