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Sunday, May. 12, 2002 @ 8:47 P.M.

Mom's Day is Family Day...

Happy Mother's Day, everyone! Well, just the mothers really... And Happy 21st Birthday to Moises!

We had a very good day despite what happened last night. First thing we did was get all the Manuel kids to sign the card that I bought for our mother. Didn't I mention what a procrastinator I am? Well, I drag my sibs into that category as well. We presented a beautiful serving plate that my sister bought at Owajimia to my mother. She loves it, of course. The cool thing is that she can use it or just display it. We went to church... late again. Mr. Derron calls it "Manuel time." He really should call it Filipino time. ::Shrugs:: Oh well...

At church, we had to perform for our mothers. The thing was that my brother wasn't told that he was supposed to play the drums quietly so that they could hear the little kids singing. Sis played her guitar, Doniell played the keyboard, Bethany shook her maracas, Nate played the piano, and I played something that resembled handweights with grooves on it. Don't ask... It was, well, interesting. We had timing issues and we had to do the song twice for the kids to get the whole song out. Ms. Dar is so hard to say no to. No one has ever done it successfully, except maybe Rogee... he has a way with words. It was funny, though. Rogee was told twice to do the drums quieter. Poor guy, he was really getting into it.

After church, I cooked lunch. Heh, okay... Roach really cooked it. She prepared the chicken and told Rog and I what to do to help. But I cleaned the green beans and stirred the food... I did a whole lot! After the meal, I washed the dishes. Man, I really was being quite domestic today. It was, uh, weird... but I can do it when I have to.

The Manuel ladies then went to Fred Meyer's to drop off the film of the pictures we took of the damage to the car. Mother picked up some stuff for herself and we went home to gather the rest of the family. All of us went down to Best Buy to check out fridges. I bought the Hitchhiker's Guide DVD and Loony Tunes CD. I couldn't find my family so I went over to Comp USA and asked questions about the iBook and TiBook. The Apple rep was pretty nice about answering my questions, but Rog said he should have went with me to really test the guy. I dunno... I'm not that mean. Apparently, they were trying to find me in Best Buy, even calling me over the intercom. Ha! I was outside when I finally found them. We then went to Sears to look at their fridges. I think that we freaked out the sales guy, but he was personable and was able to sell us a fridge we finally agreed upon. The whole family together firing off questions to one person can be quite intimidating, I must say... I would hate to face us. ::insane giggle::

Phew! It's so hot today. Opening windows to cool down now. I gotta watch Alias and start freakin' out about what's happening. I work tomorrow morning, too! So, I need to sleep earlier... yeah, right! Zoinks!!

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