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Sunday, May. 12, 2002 @ 1:17 A.M.

I'm a certified drinker...

You wouldn't know to look at me, but I have alcohol in my system. This might come to a shock to all those who know me, but I actually drank a cup of sake(okay, it was more like a tiny bit from some lovely little sake cups that Roach got Moises for his birthday)... the second time that alcohol has passed through my lips. The first time was when my sister's roommate from Poland gave my mother some cherry liquer chocolates and I tried one. The stuff burned my mouth and I instantly spit it out, swearing off all alcohol for all time. It was horrible to find out that there was something that had to do with chocolate that I couldn't stand. Now I'm 23 and I have finally partaken of the 'stuff'. I find that I didn't like it at all. Roach and Chris said that it was very good and smooth, but both me and Moises(who by the way never had alcohol before either) agreed that it was not something that went down easy. Of course, it prolly didn't help that he chugged his first shot down in one gulp. It was really funny because his dad was gonna drink with him. They had just clinked their sake cups together when, GULP! Moises drinks it down before his dad can make a toast. It was so funny! Then, I had my little bit, sipping it down like a lady. For me, the stuff burned my lips and inside of my mouth and it felt really hot going down. I don't think that I'll ever be an alcoholic. Bleech!

After eating, we went and played DOA in Moises' room. That boy really plays that game waaaaaaay too much. He kept beating everybody in the room. We then watched him play DragonBall Z and Final Fantasy. After that we watched 12 Monkeys. I really didn't like that movie too much, even though Brad was pretty funny.

Now for the horrible accident that happened on the way home. We were talking about something... I can't remember anymore, or I've blocked it out due to trauma... when we got into an accident. I was happily holding Chris' hands from the front seat... he was in the back seat. Do you think I'd sit in the back, making my sister a chauffer? Yeah, I've done it before, but I don't do that anymore. Anyways, we were just driving along Sunset when a deer ran in front of the car and we hit it. I was like freakin' out, saying we should turn around and go back to see if the deer was okay, but my sister said she couldn't turn around. As soon as we found the lighted parking lot of QFC, we stopped. Holy crap! The front right blinker was smashed, the wiper was bent and flattened into the windshield, and the hood was bent to the Hotel Basement. There was deer hair covering the headlight area. The thing is that when the deer hit, it rolled across the top of the car and landed behind us. Roach said it was still moving and looked like it was trying to get up. I really wouldn't have handled it very well if I was the one driving. I would have stopped in the middle of the road and checked on the deer and started crying my eyes out. Animals in pain... not cool. We tried calling animal control, but they weren't in at 12:30 at night. What the heck? Why aren't people there 24-7? What about emergencies? Roach said that it's good that we didn't try to check on the deer since animals that large and in pain would prolly try to kill us. I just wanted to check on it. At least I was able to get a hold of my father and let him know what happened. He was concerned about if we were okay and if the car was still running enough to get us home. Thankfully no one was hurt and the car does still work. I hope that our insurance will cover some of the repairs. I just can't believe all the financial problems my parents are having all at once. First my new tires for my car, the refridgerator pooping out, and now this car accident. It's the only thing my parents worry about... the almighty dollar. Surprisingly, my mother was fairly calm about things, but that could have been because she was half asleep. She didn't tell us that we shouldn't have been out that late in the first place and she didn't tell us that we should have stayed closer to home. ::Sigh:: I can't wait for the morning to come.

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