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Tuesday, May. 14, 2002 @ 1:00 A.M.

I'm special... special ed!

Happy Birthday, John! Man, everyone is getting old. ::Smiles wickedly::

I just worked 13.5 hours at work! Whoo-hoo!! Gimme a blow to the head!!! I deserve it...

You'll never guess what I watched, though! Guess, guess, guess... no really, guess. Y'know, you can't have a clue... give up? Okay!! I got to see STAR WARS EP2: ATTACK OF THE CLONES!!! Yes, I did... and it was so cool! My favorite part was when ---- was --------. Whoever did the CG for that part was totally awesome!!! I can't wait to see it again... especially since I had to sit in the front row and I missed the very beginning. The thing is, I had to screen it for problems with the print and there were quite a few of them, but it didn't detract from the movie... too much. Sometimes that's what's crappy about working at a theatre, technical glitches are more noticed than if I was just a regular movie watcher. Oh well, free shows...

Anyways, I had to stay at work to finish up the movie schedule. I would have gotten it done earlier, but Ron came in to fix the manager station and get ready to put a sub-station in. He finally fixed all the tangled wires behind the desks. He said he also had to upgrade the system, but we were considered a test site. I asked him why our theatre was so chosen. Was it because we were getting Star Wars? "No," he said, "it's because you're here." "Me?" I asked. "Why would having me here make a difference?" "You've got common sense and you're good with Micropos." I giggled and said, "So you think I'm special." He just laughed and agreed. See?! I'm special... Ron said so. It must be true. Hee, hee, hee!

Yay! I'm so happy, but I'm hungry. Oh well, at least I'm not tired and like Chris when he called me. ::Giggles:: He's so sweet, really. I can't figure him out sometimes, but that's okay... I tend to do that to people too. Uh... oookaaaaaaay... hee!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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