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Thursday, May. 02, 2002 @ 11:35 A.M.

Chris and more Chris!

I'm so happy and here's the reason why... I got to see Chris (no matter that it was only for about half an hour) yesterday. Lessee, I had to drop off his stuff, some posters, his, uh, Dreamcast console (hey, he's the king of consoles. I had to run down his list of ten), and his Dreamcast games. He was so happy to get his stuff back, oh, and see me too, I guess. He was willing to stand in the cold without a jacket talking to me so he must of been. ::giggles:: Yay!!

Before that, church was fun. Mr. Derron had us play a game where we started standing as the picture perfect family portrait. He would then say something like, "Crazy family" and we would have three seconds to freeze into a pose. The funniest was when we did "Loving family" and we were all crushing each other in hugs when Nate decided to jump on top of all of us. It was so hilarious!! I couldn't stop laughing. After that, our lesson was about what God has given to us as our 'paccies' to comfort us. Mr. Derron asked us what happened to us this year to need a pacifier. He, Roach, and Doniell told us their tales. Even Scott was able to tell us his eventually. Me, I couldn't. Y'all who read my journal would know it anyways. The funny thing is, my 'paccy' is Chris... talking to him on the phone, writing about him, hangin' with him. Aren't I one sad git? :-)

One other funny thing is, I told Chris about this other guy's diary that I read now. His name is also Chris... tee hee! It caught my eye because his diary is called got-chris and I said to myself, "Yeah, I do! Hee, hee, hee!!" Aren't I weird? Well, anyways, I told my Chris about how the guy draws hentai. I would never usually mention something like that, but my Chris had been asking about it before and I thought that was one interesting coinky-dink. I'm corrupting my sweet Euro-mutt with anime. Baaaad me! ::Giggles insanely::

Ah, I've just finished watching Saber J Again in Japanese so I can give it back to Jenifer. I wonder why my family always wants to watch anime in English? Oh well, another mystery that will go unsolved.

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