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Wednesday, May. 01, 2002 @ 3:00pm

Pure drivel...

What a cloudy day... on my day off too. ::Pouts:: Oh well, the three preceeding days were sunny and I did get out on one of those days. I just set out my blanket on the lawn, gathered my supplies (laptop, composition book, CD player, and cell phone), wore my cute tank top and skirt and enjoyed the wonderful UV rays that would prolly kill me in time. Thank gooshness that I ordered sunglasses for my extra pair instead of reg glasses. Stayed out there for quite a while before the wind picked up and it got nippy... and so did I. ::giggles:: I actually got a lot of my story written and a bit more tan around the edges. Fortunately I didn't burn this time. If only I didn't inherit my mother's light Igorot skin, then I wouldn't have that problem.

Oh, I can't wait 'til the new Scooby-Doo movie comes out!! How I love that Great Dane... hey I really want the banners, posters, anything! I've already claimed the standee at work and I'm so happy. Whee! Now where will I put it? There's, like, no room in my den with all the banners and standees that I've got now, but I just have to have Scooby-Doo. Chris thinks I should put all the stuff on eBay, but I can't imagine anyone would want any of it. I've visited eBay and I see that no one gets that much for them. Oh well, it couldn't hurt. I just think it's not very cool to sell things that I got for free in the first place. Hmmm... I guess I should just think of it as a supplement to my pathetically low paycheck. Eh...

Speaking of pathetically low paychecks (hey, no one in the theatre biz gets paid enough)... I get to see Chris today! My sis is bringing his stuff (and my DVD player, yay!) over that he left at her apartment on Saturday and I have to drop it over to him after he gets out of work tonight. Whoo... I hope he remembers. I hope I remember since it will be after church gets out. Maybe I'll just put it into my phone to remind me. Man, I love my phone!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
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Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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