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Tuesday, Apr. 30, 2002 @ 1:57 A.M.

That really sucks!

Well... I just got finished reading a whole lotta crap about the theatre industry. When I write crap, I mean crap. I cannot believe how ignorant some people are. Now for those of you with real jobs (not with a theatre chain), you prolly never have problems with your job, right? Yeah, and I have angel wings and fly to work every day. Ehhh...

Go ahead and look up Regal Sucks on any search engine and you're sure to find the site with some amusing anecdotes. If you're not interested in reading (or you're on the managerial staff and can't be bothered) I'll sum it up for you.

1. Customers complain about the ticket/concession prices being too high and rising even higher. The thing is, they don't seem to understand that everything goes up in price over time, except maybe employee pay rates.

2. Ex-employees and ex-managers are certainly brave when they can hide behind a screen name and anonymity. It's amazing how exceedingly boring it is to read about the same exact stories about certain people when they aren't there to defend themselves.

3. Employees and managers still working for the company basically agree with all the complaints and complain that they don't make enough money to care. Wow, is anyone honestly happy with what they are making especially if they have to actually WORK for it?

4. The people blamed for crappy service ranged from lazy management, to slack-jawed employees, to the greedy corporation, to the customers themselves. Am I talking about the theatre or any business in general?

Conclusion: Work sucks, workers suck, working sucks, having to EARN your money sucks. ::Grins inanely:: And the people on that site can't spell worth jack-crap.

Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm a manager at a theatre that runs all right on most days. Some the horror stories on that site makes me doubly glad that I have a halfway decent staff (half are overpaid) and great co-managers who can be trained (::snigger:: like the dogs we are. Woof!).

So, why do I stay with my job? I'm one of those loyal Asian types. Hey, y'know, employer loyalty is a big thing with us. Chris would say it's because we're all Regal slaves. Could be right... Randy does have that whip handy. Anyways, I also like the free movies, free drinks, free popco... naw, can't stand popcorn anymore, and free movie stuff. Also, it's a fairly easy job compared to other things out there. Okay, I'm sure that tomorrow I'll be rantin' about my job again. Back to reality...

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