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Sunday, Apr. 28, 2002 @ 2:43 P.M.

Alcohol and stinky cheese...

Oh, what fun the day was of yester. Hee, hee, hee! Although, there wasn't much sun, I was able to shine with my Chris by my side. Ha! I will call him my Chris because he is... and no Moises and Roach, we are not going out!! We are very close friends... really, that's all.

What did we do? The events in themselves weren't very remarkable. Chris came over to my house. Oh yes, folks! You read right, he came over to the Manuel residence... and he survived. Okay, he showed up. I, of course, was not ready. I know, I knew he was going to be at the house at a certain time, but darn my internal clock, I can't keep time straight. Once I was done making myself beautiful, we headed out. Went to Freddy's to get some cash, went down to the Chevron to get some gas, called Auburn to get some tickets, and drove down there. We watched The Sweetest Thing, went to the SuperMall, ate at the food court (Chinese cuisine), walked around window shopping, then hurried back over to the theatre to watch Van Wilder. Both movies are hilarious, but I thought ST was funnier than VW while Chris thought the other way around. Just so you know (without spoilers, no worries!), ST had more female based jokes and VW had more male based jokes. Go see both of them, though. They're both great! After the movies, we went back to the mall so Chris could buy a cool new shirt. It's shiny and see through. Ooooo... sexy! We then stopped to buy the supplies for Kate's party and drove back home to pick up my DVDs. We hung out for a bit at my house, but seeing how it's a boring deathtrap without hardly nothing to do, we walked around the neighborhood before going over to Roach's apartment. We were pretty early, but I just popped in Monty Python's Holy Grail and it was all good. Ate chips, ice cream, cheese (basically junk) and watched Ruchi try to make Jello. Kate offered some of her stinky cheese to taste. She said the stinkiest stuff is the bestest and since she's European and knows her cheese, me, Roach, and Ruchi decided to try it. Oh my God!!! The stuff was absolutely horrible. Why did I think that it would taste better than it smelled? Ack and a half! At least I was able to stomach it, poor Ruchi had to run to the bathroom and brush her teeth to get the taste out of her mouth. Once people started showing up, things didn't change much. A few started drinking wine and eating cheese and crackers and watched HG along with us. I cannot believe that Ruchi had never seen that movie! It's a classic and funny as most MP things are. Okay, who was already there? Rochelle and Kate, because it's their apartment. Ruchi had showed up at 7pm to help set up. Me and Chris came around 7:30pm bearing gifts. Ashish arrived right on time at 8:30pm. Dan and Nels came a bit later also bearing gifts. After that, a bunch of people I didn't know started showing up. Danny, John, 2 Asian chicks (I never was introduced to them), a French dude (I can't remember his name. Hey, Roach couldn't either!), Sarah, another girl and last of all, Tristan. 15 people in that little apartment. It was fun! When HG ended, they popped in Young Frankenstein, another classic. Oh, Ruchi made bubble mix and Rochelle made her some bubble wands and she started blowing bubbles. Yay! I got to blow bubbles!! Shiny, floating bubbles... Chris, by that time, was a bit tipsy. Hey, try drinking four glasses in less than an hour without eating anything but chips. So, I cooked some pizza nuggets for him. Uh, okay, when I mean cooking, I mean taking them out of the freezer and asking Roach what to do and ending up nuking them. Heh, good eh? Yeah, I thought so. My cooking skills are top rate all right. Mmmm... pepperoni, yum. When YF ended, they popped in another movie called Delicatessen. It was French and subtitled and weird. So, Nels showed us a puzzle trick with two corks and challenged Roach to figure it out. She couldn't despite the fact that he showed her exactly how he did it. Apparently it didn't quite register in her mind how it was done... and it could have been the four glasses of wine she drank. ::Shrug:: As luck would have it (and I have it in spades), I was able to solve the puzzle purely by chance. Chicka hates when I do that. She gave me a puzzle for Christmas once that stated it would be "hours of fun" but I solved it in two minutes. Dan said she should have gotten her money back for false advertising. Anyways, I had to show her the cork trick lots of times in slow motion before she finally got it. Dan was able to get it once, but after that he couldn't do it. The same was with Sarah. Oh well... At around 1am, Chris and I finally left. It was a long day.

The best part of everything was that I got to spend the whole day with Chris. Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you get sick of reading me gush about the guy, but hey, it's my journal. We have tons of fun together and I enjoy every second with him... especially making my friends and family wonder about us. ;-)

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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