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Monday, Apr. 15, 2002 @ 12:40 A.M.

Can't sleep, worried...

There aren't enough hours in the day to do all the stuff I need to do. Really, I wish that there were a few more to sleep. For some reason, this weekend has been a bad time for trying to get some rest.

Thursday was a long night, but at least I got to preview The Sweetest Thing. Got home around 5:30am. The thing is, Chris called me at 10:30am to remind me that we had planned to hang out before going to work. The funny thing is that I wasn't tired while I talked to him. So, went over to Chris' house, had a scintillating conversation, went to Wendy's to eat, watched Blade 2 at Parkway, and then went to work. He was wearing a cool purple and white leopard spotted shirt with silver dice buttons. And it was furry as well! Totally pimpin'!! For some reason, while I was at work Chris called me at on my cell, but since it was busy, I didn't answer. He called 3 times. I was worried, so I called his house even though it was 1am. The bad thing was that his mother answered the phone and told me that he wasn't there. I was baffled and began to worry even more.

Saturday morning was tiring. I was sneezing like crazy and feeling generally ill. At least I was in booth. I got home and slept for a few hours, ate, then went back to sleep.

The next morning, I was still feeling sickly, so I didn't go to church. I slept some more until my sister decided to come in and play Chris' Dreamcast that I'm borrowing. The Manuel kids played for hours and hours, watched some Saturday morning cartoons that I taped until Alias time. Now, it's late and I'm still tired. Chris still hasn't called to assure me that he's all right, so now I'll just lay here in bed, worrying about it. I need more time to sleep, but I'm working tomorrow morning. Zoinks!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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