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Thursday, Apr. 11, 2002 @ 12:46 A.M.

Sad git me is

What a day! Did tons of stuff today. Lessee... what happened again?

My mother woke me up to tell me that I had to go with my dad and brother to America's Best to pick up my new glasses. My brother also had an appointment to get his eyes checked out. The funny thing is that his glasses were more expensive than mine! Weird. I still am trying to get used to my new perscription. Right now, the floor still looks like it's not flat. I hope it gets better because it gives my headaches and makes me totally woozy.

After lunch, I took my brother to the East Valley to watch Clockstoppers. It was pretty good. Oh, and I also picked up some clear splicing tape for the Issaquah. We really suck.

Then, I paid for Roger's gas tank to be filled up at the Chevron. Man! I cannot believe how much gas is nowadays. Totally expensive, but I guess it's better than in Europe.

Went to Great Wall Mall and visited John for a while and bought some stuff to celebrate the fact that I got a raise. I wish Rochelle could have come, too, because me and Roger got some Bubble Tea(milk tea with tapioca balls). They were so good! And they come in such cute cups!!

Afterwards, went to church and discussed our play that we're doing for Grumbler's Anonymous in the desert. It's so funny! We have Jewish characters to play and our names are totally hilarious. I had to take over the script writing, though. It is so hard to keep the children on track.

Went home, ate dinner, and discussed the unmentionables at the dinner table while Chris was on the phone. My family is so weird and we really can talk to each other about practically everything. Chris thinks it's pretty cool. I think that it's sad when some people can't talk to their loved ones about what's important to them. Anyways, Chris and I talked for about two hours. I'm so glad that I can still talk to him like that. I just wish that I was still dating him sometimes instead of just being his friend. ::longing sigh:: I wonder what he's thinking...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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