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Wednesday, Mar. 21, 2012 @ 4:52 P.M.

All kinds of meh...

I have not been in any real mood to talk to anybody lately. I have ignored phone calls and texts from everyone except my husband. My family I would answer, but they have not gotten a hold of me in any way since last week and that is fine since I do not want to talk to them either. The house thing is really depressing me. I am pretty sure that this house would be great. It's big and the right price, but that darn foundation thing is what we're waiting to hear back on. The roof prolly also needs work, but that's not as bad as a foundation problem. We're supposed to hear tonight whether or not we'll have to pull out of this deal too. :: Sigh :: So not in the mood for this crap.

So, the other thing that has me worried is the fact that work has cut hours drastically. Apparently we're not getting the sales we need to warrant the staffing that we've been doing so everyone (except a few people) is nearly down to 30 hours a week. Really? I can still get benefits on only 30 hours a week and that is considered full time? That's good, 'cuz there's no way we can pay for hubby's meds out of pocket. They're almost $1000 dollars a bottle, I think. But seriously, only 30 hours? How are people supposed to live on that? I feel bad for the ones who are the soul bread winners of their family and they have tons of kids and they have to live on those few hours. I also feel bad for the people who need to supplement their social security 'cuz they have tons of hospital bills and their wages are already garnished. Us? Well, we're trying to get a house loan here! What the heck corporations?! Do you really think that by screwing the lowest tiers of your worker base, you can keep the same amount of money you made last year? Really?!

Anyways, feeling lazy right now. I should find something to eat, keep watching GHI, and fold some laundry and see if I actually need to DO laundry. Also, gotta feed these greedy little kitties. That's another thing to rant about... the cat food. Another day, perhaps...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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