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Oh, and here's another Eccentric Survey.

Got Brains?

Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2009 @ 5:17 P.M.

I know 18 people? Wow...

I got this offa FaceBook, 'cuz I has that, y'know... so, no one was tagged in the making of this questionnaire.

Can you name 18 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 18 people, and be sure to tag the person who tagged you after completing it yourself. *this is a lot funnier if you actually list the names first, no cheating!*

1. Ryu
2. Roach
3. Fortune
4. Noke
5. Ramen
6. Nezumi
7. Momo
8. Roll
9. Alano
10. P-chan
11. Gaga
12. Mochuchuwa
13. Gravey
14. B-kun
15. Neko
16. Cookie
17. J-man
18. Kori

T H E Q U E S T I O N S . .

� How did you meet 10?
Hmm... P-chan? I do believe I met her through 15.

� What would you do if you had never met 6?
Prolly would have been living with my folks still if I had never met Mi-chan.

� What would you do if 18 and 15 dated?
I would ask Kori how the long distance relationship was going and when did Neko start liking chicks? :-D

� If you could marry either 16 or 14 who will it be?
Uh... neither, but if I haaaaaad to... B-kun. I've actually met the guy. Cookie is a mystery man.

� Did you ever like 9 more than a friend?
No. Barely ever see Alano other than at meet-ups, but he's cool to hang out with and very polite company.

� Have you ever seen 4 cry?
Erm... I've heard Noke cry over the phone, but seen her... no.

� What do you think 13 will be when they grow up?
Gravey just turned grown-up this year! Even taller? A professional gamer? That would be cool.

�Would 12 and 4 make a good couple?
Hmm... maybe. Mochuchuwa MIGHT have the patience to deal with Noke, but she might be able to deal with his humor. OMG, could you image? Ah, the horror...

� Do you think that if 17 and 14 were deserted on a island they would survive?
Perhaps. J-man is definitely level-headed and resourceful enough to handle, but with all his allergies... eh, he might not make it. B-kun could make shelter and fire? Uh, yeah...

� Describe 8:
Roll is a talented AMV maker and loves to play games on consoles... hosts some great meet-ups.

� Tell me something about 17:
J-man is married to 2.

� What's 7's favorite color?
Black? What is it again, Momo? Sorry...

�What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you?
I would say, "But hun, I'm already going to marry you, I would hope you like me."

� When was the last time you talked to number 7?
On Friday! Wow... I still need to visit Momo and get my Supernatural DVDs back from him.

� How do you think 4 feels about you?
She cherishes our friendship and loves me dearly.

� What is number 13's favorite thing to do?
Play games.

�Are number 5 & 9 alike?
Hmm... both Ra-chan and Alano are white... eh, and both like to play video games, enjoy anime... OMG, are they the same person? :-D

� What is 15's favorite music?
If I said Neko liked Japanese music, I would be correct, but I don't know if that's her favourite music.

�Would you date number 1?
I have and am now engaged to him... ^_^

� Is 11 single?
From what I know, yes, she is single.

�What's 10's last name?
What? P-chan has no last name... oh wait... :: Checks FaceBook :: McGraw.

� What do you think about 2?
Best sis-tor evaaaaa!!

� What is the best thing about 3?
He's a generous and wonderful bro.

� What would you like to ask 1 right now ?
If he could bring home some chicken... :: craving ::

� How did you meet 16?
I've never met him, just traded words with him over the Inter-webs.

�What is the best and worst thing about 5?
Ra-chan is the best all the time! Nothing worst about her... <_< ... >_>

�How old were you when you met 2?
Um... I was 3 years old and she was born.

� Have you met 13's parents?
Yes, I've even had dinner with them! They're great.

� What would happen if you and number 1 were stuck on a desert island?
If it were hot, there would be much complaining. If it were cold, much snuggling.

�Who have you been on vacation with?
Lessee... 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 14.

�When's 11's birthday?
August 13! Yay.

�Does 15 love you?
Sure she does. Who doesn't love me? ;-)

�Who do you love out of these 18?
I love everyone, but the first three most of all...

�What kind of phone does 5 have?
A Sony Ericsson of some kind...

�Is number 7 single?
Pssh... yeah.

�What's the funnest thing you ever did with number 8?
Went to Otakon with him... Yay!

�If numbers 1 & 13 randomly walked out of your life, would you chase them?
If they would let me. I would definitely want to hunt 1 down and tackle him to stay.

�When was the last time you saw 8?
Uh... last meet-up was in July?

�Anything you'd like to say to number 10?
Just what do you think you're doing with that cow?

Ah hah ha... fun stuff...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
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Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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1 comments so far
Laron - 2009-08-25 02:40:34
I would never disappear unless it was to protect you, like if i learned some secret government thing that if you knew as well they would kill you.

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