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Saturday, Jul. 04, 2009 @ 9:41 A.M.

Unfair... Yes, it is!

Happy Independence Day!! Well, I suppose that really just applies to Americans, doesn't it?
Also, Happy belated birfday to B-kun! I called him yesterday and found out some stuff about what's been going on with him. Apparently REG is still a bunch of bastards willing to ruin lives simply 'cuz they cannot be bothered to find the truth of the matter. Nice... I'm so glad to be out from under their oppressive rules. Still, at least he has a job and it's in an industry that he still enjoys, but I wish he could catch a break now and then. I should call him more often, that's fersure. I miss him. He should move back up here! Hah... yeah, not going to happen, I know, B-kun.
So, I was supposed to have moved my desk this week, but that didn't happen. It's far too large to simply move, so I have to take it apart and hope that it will fit in the van that we are going to borrow. Ah! But, I moved my other little bitty computer that weighs fifty pounds and has so little processing power that my fianc� is embarrassed to even call it a computer. Hey, it still computes and goes on the internet just like yours... it just does it slower and with limited capabilities. :: Sigh :: Also, I hate moving by myself. It's no fun and it hurts... physically and emotionally. I was so upset the last couple days moving that I cried bitter tears. Yup, I just know that I'll be expected to help everyone else while they're moving, but no one will lift a finger to help me out. Unfair, I say! Yeah, don't wanna do it anymore, but I still have this month to go, so I'm not going to strain my back any more than I already to at work. Darn you cooler items being so heavy!! :: Shakes fist ::

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! My love is gaming again...

Give Me A Break! The Sims are truely evil... in a soul sucking kinda way...

Piccy of the week: New blue thingy!


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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