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Monday, Apr. 20, 2009 @ 8:43 P.M.

Spewed Forth From Brain...

Another month has gone by... and much has happened. Ra-chan got into an accident and Rory was completely totaled. I shall miss her (the car!) terribly, but at least Ra-chan was all right. She still has problems with her fingers, but she's alive and kickin'. I cried like a baby after we talked on the phone and she said she was okay 'cuz she coulda not been and it was horrible to think she might not have survived. Yeah, I got all kinds of emotional. She has a new car now. It's blue and still unnamed, but it's an Subaru VUE and a stick so I cannot drive it. I wonder what we'll do for Yaoi con this year if we go. Oh well...
What else? Ryu-kun and I found a great little apartment near Bellevue Community College. It's such a quaint lookin' place with a creek and little bridges and fountain and stuff. I hope to take some nice pictures out there. So, before we move in there, Ryu-kun is gonna be living with Momo-chan for about month and a half. We started moving a few of his boxes this past weekend, not that he has much to begin with. I shudder to think what it will be like to move MY stuff. We should be able to finish moving all his stuff next Saturday and then I'm taking some time off to get him situated at Momo's. Yay, using vacation time to help people move. I'll be using the majority of my vacation day doing that, actually since everyone seems to be doing it this year although, there may be a bit of a problem with Ra-chan and Mi-chan's housing situation. We'll just have to see what happens... in any case, I'm living with my man come July so I don't have to worry about me, just them... well, Mi-chan mostly. Ra-chan still could live with her family if she really wanted to.
Various things going on with Noke. She has problems with her guy since he's a bit of an emotional wreck and she not the most stable person mentally herself. How are ya s'posed to take care of someone when you cannot take care of yourself, hmm? Also, almost getting run over can be an eye-opener. I don't know. I don't exactly understand depressed people and their downs since I've never really felt like that without being able to pull myself outta the funk fairly easily. I just remember that I have God and a loving family and now a fantastically wonderful man in my life and I'm content as an insect in a carpet. Yeah, unhappy people baffle me completely. You can tell them to get over their problems and that there are many others in less fortunate situations, but they keep feeling all kinds of sorry for themselves and expect sympathy from others. I mean, I do have some problems, but I don't dwell or let them keep me down. Seriously, my life is blessed.
Work has been interesting. I've got a newbie in Photo who really needs some serious training, but yeah, the days I had to train her I had to maintain the machine since there was a massive paper jam and it needed the tanks dumped and cleaned. I cannot believe that she was already scheduled on her own. She wouldn't have even a week's worth of training! Is she supposed to absorb everything in less than two days?! That's not a good way to keep people. I just hope she doesn't quit before we can train her properly. With A being preggers, C leaving for school after the summer and already being kinda like, "I don't need this job," and J being a forgetful, unorganized fool, I don't know how they're going to handle Lab when I go on vacation for a week. Good times. I think that's the only thing that really stresses me out, worrying about work...

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Listen Here! Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives... great show with Guy!

Give Me A Break! Having too many responsibilities...

Piccy of the week: Love my centaur?


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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